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FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some frequently asked questions and answers we have compiled over the years

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FAQ Dec 2024

In the spirit of openness and transaparency, the LGM CIC Board of Directors are keen to provide residents with some insight regarding the following topics:

  1. Consultant costs

  2. ​LGM CIC Budget details

  3. Service Charge budget details

  4. Future expectations


1) Consultant Costs

We have engaged two consultants (Mark and SallyAnne) whose expertise and contributions have been invaluable during this transitional period. Their roles include:

  • Improving financial controls and implementing robust processes and procedures to make the CIC more efficient and reduce operational risks.

  • Recruiting and training a new staff member and supporting daily operations.

  • Providing governance support, onboarding our new management company (Preim), facilitating regular Board meetings, and establishing formal protocols.

  • Using their knowledge, skills, experience and wide range of contacts to assist us in exploring how we can better manage the site, inform us where we should focus our efforts in the future in terms of community focussed projects (once we are stable) and assist in finding sustainable ways of increasing our income to support the CIC and help reduce service charge costs long term.


The full-year forecasted costs for Mark and SallyAnne are:

  • Interim Management: £56,000

  • Governance Support: £19,000


These figures reflect the breadth of expertise and significant contributions they bring, which are more comprehensive than the previous estate manager’s role. For comparison, the total cost of the previous manager (including pension and NI) was approximately £57,000.

Additionally, Mark and SallyAnne have provided considerable unpaid support, estimated at over £15,000 by year-end, which directly benefits the CIC and its operations.


2) LGM CIC Budget Details

The budget increase for the LGM CIC was £91,000, and this can be broken down as follows:

  1. Reclassification of Income - £64,000 was reallocated from CIC income funds to Service Charges to offset the costs of managing the Pavilion, Community Centre, and sports pitches.

  2. Staffing Costs - £40,000 of staffing costs, previously covered by Service Charges, were shifted to the CIC budget.

  3. Increased Revenue - +£13,000 in additional income from increased utilisation of facilities partially offset these costs.

Mark and SallyAnne have played a crucial role in managing these changes and ensuring the CIC’s continued efficiency.

3) Service Charge Budget Details

The 2023 Service Charge (SC) budget was ~£500,000, and the overall 2024 SC budget was also held at ~£500,000. However, the following year-on-year changes occurred, highlighting the reasons for the overall increase:

  • Reduction in SC due to CIC revenue being used to offset CC, Pavilion, and pitch costs: -£77,000

  • Reduction in SC due to CIC paying more towards salary costs: -£48,000

  • Increase in business rates due to change of use: +£5,000

  • Increase in SC due to fees payable to Preim, the new managing agent (compared to DMG): +£36,000

  • Inflationary increases: +£5,000

  • Increase in sinking fund to build a financial buffer: +£77,000


The increased sinking fund was necessary after analysis by ourselves and Preim to ensure sufficient reserves are available to manage ad-hoc and cyclical repairs or call-outs, such as the recent incident of fallen trees during high winds. While this contribution was larger last year to quickly build the fund, next year we anticipate maintaining the fund rather than significantly building it further.


Additionally, a £12,000 refund for Employers National Insurance has recently been identified by Mark. This tangible benefit can be used to offset some of Mark and Sal's costs.-


We should also note that we are still in the process of having assets transferred to the ownership of the CIC. Currently, Taylor Wimpey pays to maintain these; however, upon handover, they will become the estate's responsibility and will need to be managed from the SC budget. While we are not expecting a significant increase due to this, it is important to plan for the financial implications. Phase 6 is one of the final transches of assets to be transferred to our ownership.


To mitigate these future costs, we are committed to increasing LGM CIC revenue, as we have done in previous years, to offset Service Charge costs. This strategy was successfully employed last year, and we propose to continue it for 2025.

4) Future Expectations

We recognise the importance of building a sustainable management structure for the CIC. This year, we attempted to recruit for a senior position to replace the role previously called Community Development Manager. Unfortunately, due to the broad and senior nature of the role, requiring experience across multiple industries, and the pay we can currently offer, we have been unable to attract the necessary skills and experience.

We aim to try again next year, with the goal of eventually reducing the involvement of Mark and Sal who we will miss as they are doing an excellent job. Through a carefully planned handover process, we hope to transition to a point where their support is no longer required or needed only for ad-hoc guidance.



LGM CIC Directors

FAQ 2023

FAQ 2023


Why do I keep getting bills from Trinity/DMG?


The service charge is billed twice a year for an annual amount. In other words the total yearly cost is due in two instalments December and June. Alternatively you can choose to pay by standing order if you wish. This year the budget has been released slightly later so a bill has been issued in January with a second to follow in June.


Trinity are appointed as the block management company and DMG are appointed from January 2023 as the estate management company.


How does the service charge work?


The Budget set in the autumn to come into effect in the January.


The year end is released in the June of the following year. 


The Budget sets the estimated costs for running the site and the year end shows the actual expenditure.


What does the service charge pay for?


The Budget provides a breakdown but for freeholders it is the maintenance of the whole site excluding the adoptable areas - roads and pavements. The site is 140 acres and contains a Walled garden,  Arboretum, Orchards , Coppicing woodland , mature native woodland , habitat areas for bats, slow worms, dormice, badgers and other wildlife.  Sports pitches , footpaths , trim trail, 3 play parks , a kick about area , the sports pavilion and the community centre.


All of the above need insuring, monitoring, repairing , planting, weeding, treating and general managing. The buildings also require heating, electricity and water supply , health and safety checks, staff to hire them, clean them etc.


For Leaseholders there are additional charges specific to the block they are based in. A full breakdown of the charges can be provided in the Budget.



Where does income from the hire of the community facilities go?


LGM CIC own, operate and manage the land and community facilities at Leybourne chase.


Income from when the community centre first opened in 2015 has been held by Taylor Wimpey (TW) to transfer to LGM CIC later this year. 


For the year end 2019 TW agreed on behalf of LGM CIC to provide £47,000 to Trinity to offset the service charge for 2019. This will show on the 2019 Trinity year end statement.


In 2020 the year end showed a surplus in the accounts so Residents would be due a refund or credit. As a result no income was used to offset the service charge that year but each freehold property received a credit of around £50.


The 2022 accounts will be provided this summer at our first AGM in June.


The income from the facilities is predominantly used to re-invest into the site and a program of community development initiatives, each year the fun replenishes and accumulates for spending the following year with some roll over for a contingency fund.  



Why doesn't the hire income appear on the Trinity Budget?


This is an expenditure budget, a forecast of the costs of running the site, community facilities. Therefore, it does not show speculative income.


Who decides how much money goes back to offset the service charge?


The Board of LGM CIC. Each year a decision will be made on how much to offset on the service charge and how much must be retained to re-invest in the community facilities. The objective of the Board is to increase income opportunities so that the facilities can contribute to their own running costs and that less of this fall to the service charge. 


Who sits on the Board of LGM CIC?


Residents. We have been advertising the roles for the last 5 years and currently have 4 Residents appointed to the board of Directors. We are now seeking to update the Articles of association so that we can open up additional Board seats to the community and ask that anyone interested in becoming a Director contacts


In addition to the voluntary members of the community sitting on the Board we also have a small number of employed staff. The Community development manager is employed to manage the community facilities of behalf of the board and DMG are appointed to collect the service charge, instruct and pay contractors, monitor performance and be the first point of contact for resident issues. 



Why do I have to pay for the upkeep and running costs of the community facilities?


As part of any successful housing development, community facilities as well as housing must be provided to service both the Residents and those within the neighbouring communities to provide additional infrastructure. As was the case with Leybourne Chase the planning permission of the site specified what facilities were to be put into place and TW have provided them in line with those specifications.


Similarly to council tax all Residents contribute equally to service the community facilities and those facilities are overseen by a managing body. In this case instead of a local council/Parish council LGM CIC will oversee the management, maintenance and operation of the community facilities. This will be an advantage to Residents because they will have direct involvement with the managing body via their Membership in LGM CIC.


One of the main objectives of LGM CIC will be to increase income opportunities via the community facilities whilst balancing the needs of the Residents to enjoy the development. This means each year we hope that the income will increase and in turn the amount Residents pay toward the maintenance of the facilities will reduce.



Why can’t I use the community centre of Pavilion for free if I contribute some of the maintenance costs via the service charge?


For the same reason Residents in villages across the country pay for the maintenance of their local village hall via council tax but also pay to hire it.  It wouldn't be a viable business plan to give access to residents for free. The purpose of the facilities is to offer community facilities to the community they serve. Residents are eligible for a 10% discount on party hire .


The rates charged are reasonable and in line with local facilities. One of LGM CIC’s objectives is to increase income to reduce the costs via the service charge and this involves maximising income opportunities. 


Note reducing the costs via the service charge means we seek to fund site improvement works and community projects through our income rather than the service charge.


Community facilities


Conceptually the facilities are a space for community development activities. This means we seek to offer a range of classes and groups which could serve as many residents as possible, there are also free or subsidised events throughout the year. If you have an idea about a group or class you would like to see at the Community centre or Pavilion get in touch at



What contractors are appointed to work on the community facilities ?


Cleaning Pavilion and Community centre

Squeak n Clean are the contractor, and the actual cleaner appointed is a Resident on Leybourne Chase.


Landscaping services 

JN Gardening a local Kent based contractor owned and managed by John Newbury. John’s team are all Kent based and John himself regularly works on site since taking over the contract from Ottimo in January 2020.


Health and Safety Reports 

In year one of LGM CIC taking ownership of the land we must appoint H and S advisors to provide extensive Risk assessments , H and S assessments and accompanying policies to ensure the community facilities are managed correctly. ETS Health and Safety based in Kings hill will be performing this service for us.


Arboriculturist services 


In the coming years it is  important we maintain and care for  the trees we have on Leybourne Chase, some of these are over 200 years old and are assets we have a duty to care for.

Silva Woodland Management Ltd based in Tonbridge have provided and extensive tree survey and a will shortly be creating a woodland management plan to set out the future strategies for managing our woodlands. The latter will be funded via grant from  Woodland Trust.

All works to trees must be conducted in accordance with the Tree protection orders on site.


Pump room, boiler and water testing at the Pavilion


KM services ltd were appointed in 2019 and secured the contract after it was re tendered in 2020 and 2021, they are based in Wrotham.



Why is there no Medical centre?


This is managed by TW on behalf of the Freeholder. The Freeholder is not TW.  This is a commercial leases which has been set by valuators. The buildings are being marketed by Agents.

Neither the shop or medial centre is under the control of LGM CIC nor are there immediate plans for them to be. Residents do not pay for the upkeep of either building.


Why is there no bus route?


The provision of a bus route would be down to one of the local bus companies to deem necessary/viable. LGM CIC will work with any of these should they wish to explore how a route could be accommodated at Leybourne chase.



Understanding which schedules apply to your service charge


If you live in a Freehold property the following Schedules apply to you:


Estate charge 


If you live on Woodland gate you contribute to the above in addition to the Woodland gate schedule.


If you live in a Leasehold property you contribute to the above plus the schedule for your block.


Gas and Electricity 


Predicting charges


Gas and electricity prices are volatile at the moment, so the budgeted amount is a worst case scenario. We want to avoid asking for money at the year end. Any underspend will be returned to residents at the year end.


What can I do about the increased block management charges


Review the covenants you were provided with when you bought your property. This was when you committed to pay the service charge in respect of the estate charges and block charges so long as they were reasonable. Your covenants may set out what procedures are in place for changing the block management company.


If you believe services which you are paying for are not being provided to your block, then it would be useful for you to join with others within your block or all other leasehold properties so that you can seek to resolve the issues you are experiencing. This will also give you the opportunity to scrutinise the increases that you have been charged, you will be able to conduct research with other management companies or other sites to establish if the amounts are in line with other charges and are reasonable.


Why won’t LGM CIC do this for us


LGM CIC own operate and manage the community facilities at Leybourne chase we do not own the Freehold to the blocks so the contract for the management of them is outside of our control. We do have objectives to facilitate community cohesion so we will work with any resident groups to provide meeting space and guidance on running a resident/community group if needed.

FAQ 2023

FAQ 2023


Why do I keep getting bills from Trinity/DMG?


The service charge is billed twice a year for an annual amount. In other words the total yearly cost is due in two instalments December and June. Alternatively you can choose to pay by standing order if you wish. This year the budget has been released slightly later so a bill has been issued in January with a second to follow in June.


Trinity are appointed as the block management company and DMG are appointed from January 2023 as the estate management company.


How does the service charge work?


The Budget set in the autumn to come into effect in the January.


The year end is released in the June of the following year. 


The Budget sets the estimated costs for running the site and the year end shows the actual expenditure.


What does the service charge pay for?


The Budget provides a breakdown but for freeholders it is the maintenance of the whole site excluding the adoptable areas - roads and pavements. The site is 140 acres and contains a Walled garden,  Arboretum, Orchards , Coppicing woodland , mature native woodland , habitat areas for bats, slow worms, dormice, badgers and other wildlife.  Sports pitches , footpaths , trim trail, 3 play parks , a kick about area , the sports pavilion and the community centre.


All of the above need insuring, monitoring, repairing , planting, weeding, treating and general managing. The buildings also require heating, electricity and water supply , health and safety checks, staff to hire them, clean them etc.


For Leaseholders there are additional charges specific to the block they are based in. A full breakdown of the charges can be provided in the Budget.



Where does income from the hire of the community facilities go?


LGM CIC own, operate and manage the land and community facilities at Leybourne chase.


Income from when the community centre first opened in 2015 has been held by Taylor Wimpey (TW) to transfer to LGM CIC later this year. 


For the year end 2019 TW agreed on behalf of LGM CIC to provide £47,000 to Trinity to offset the service charge for 2019. This will show on the 2019 Trinity year end statement.


In 2020 the year end showed a surplus in the accounts so Residents would be due a refund or credit. As a result no income was used to offset the service charge that year but each freehold property received a credit of around £50.


The 2022 accounts will be provided this summer at our first AGM in June.


The income from the facilities is predominantly used to re-invest into the site and a program of community development initiatives, each year the fun replenishes and accumulates for spending the following year with some roll over for a contingency fund.  



Why doesn't the hire income appear on the Trinity Budget?


This is an expenditure budget, a forecast of the costs of running the site, community facilities. Therefore, it does not show speculative income.


Who decides how much money goes back to offset the service charge?


The Board of LGM CIC. Each year a decision will be made on how much to offset on the service charge and how much must be retained to re-invest in the community facilities. The objective of the Board is to increase income opportunities so that the facilities can contribute to their own running costs and that less of this fall to the service charge. 


Who sits on the Board of LGM CIC?


Residents. We have been advertising the roles for the last 5 years and currently have 4 Residents appointed to the board of Directors. We are now seeking to update the Articles of association so that we can open up additional Board seats to the community and ask that anyone interested in becoming a Director contacts


In addition to the voluntary members of the community sitting on the Board we also have a small number of employed staff. The Community development manager is employed to manage the community facilities of behalf of the board and DMG are appointed to collect the service charge, instruct and pay contractors, monitor performance and be the first point of contact for resident issues. 



Why do I have to pay for the upkeep and running costs of the community facilities?


As part of any successful housing development, community facilities as well as housing must be provided to service both the Residents and those within the neighbouring communities to provide additional infrastructure. As was the case with Leybourne Chase the planning permission of the site specified what facilities were to be put into place and TW have provided them in line with those specifications.


Similarly to council tax all Residents contribute equally to service the community facilities and those facilities are overseen by a managing body. In this case instead of a local council/Parish council LGM CIC will oversee the management, maintenance and operation of the community facilities. This will be an advantage to Residents because they will have direct involvement with the managing body via their Membership in LGM CIC.


One of the main objectives of LGM CIC will be to increase income opportunities via the community facilities whilst balancing the needs of the Residents to enjoy the development. This means each year we hope that the income will increase and in turn the amount Residents pay toward the maintenance of the facilities will reduce.



Why can’t I use the community centre of Pavilion for free if I contribute some of the maintenance costs via the service charge?


For the same reason Residents in villages across the country pay for the maintenance of their local village hall via council tax but also pay to hire it.  It wouldn't be a viable business plan to give access to residents for free. The purpose of the facilities is to offer community facilities to the community they serve. Residents are eligible for a 10% discount on party hire .


The rates charged are reasonable and in line with local facilities. One of LGM CIC’s objectives is to increase income to reduce the costs via the service charge and this involves maximising income opportunities. 


Note reducing the costs via the service charge means we seek to fund site improvement works and community projects through our income rather than the service charge.


Community facilities


Conceptually the facilities are a space for community development activities. This means we seek to offer a range of classes and groups which could serve as many residents as possible, there are also free or subsidised events throughout the year. If you have an idea about a group or class you would like to see at the Community centre or Pavilion get in touch at



What contractors are appointed to work on the community facilities ?


Cleaning Pavilion and Community centre

Squeak n Clean are the contractor, and the actual cleaner appointed is a Resident on Leybourne Chase.


Landscaping services 

JN Gardening a local Kent based contractor owned and managed by John Newbury. John’s team are all Kent based and John himself regularly works on site since taking over the contract from Ottimo in January 2020.


Health and Safety Reports 

In year one of LGM CIC taking ownership of the land we must appoint H and S advisors to provide extensive Risk assessments , H and S assessments and accompanying policies to ensure the community facilities are managed correctly. ETS Health and Safety based in Kings hill will be performing this service for us.


Arboriculturist services 


In the coming years it is  important we maintain and care for  the trees we have on Leybourne Chase, some of these are over 200 years old and are assets we have a duty to care for.

Silva Woodland Management Ltd based in Tonbridge have provided and extensive tree survey and a will shortly be creating a woodland management plan to set out the future strategies for managing our woodlands. The latter will be funded via grant from  Woodland Trust.

All works to trees must be conducted in accordance with the Tree protection orders on site.


Pump room, boiler and water testing at the Pavilion


KM services ltd were appointed in 2019 and secured the contract after it was re tendered in 2020 and 2021, they are based in Wrotham.



Why is there no Medical centre?


This is managed by TW on behalf of the Freeholder. The Freeholder is not TW.  This is a commercial leases which has been set by valuators. The buildings are being marketed by Agents.

Neither the shop or medial centre is under the control of LGM CIC nor are there immediate plans for them to be. Residents do not pay for the upkeep of either building.


Why is there no bus route?


The provision of a bus route would be down to one of the local bus companies to deem necessary/viable. LGM CIC will work with any of these should they wish to explore how a route could be accommodated at Leybourne chase.



Understanding which schedules apply to your service charge


If you live in a Freehold property the following Schedules apply to you:


Estate charge 


If you live on Woodland gate you contribute to the above in addition to the Woodland gate schedule.


If you live in a Leasehold property you contribute to the above plus the schedule for your block.


Gas and Electricity 


Predicting charges


Gas and electricity prices are volatile at the moment, so the budgeted amount is a worst case scenario. We want to avoid asking for money at the year end. Any underspend will be returned to residents at the year end.


What can I do about the increased block management charges


Review the covenants you were provided with when you bought your property. This was when you committed to pay the service charge in respect of the estate charges and block charges so long as they were reasonable. Your covenants may set out what procedures are in place for changing the block management company.


If you believe services which you are paying for are not being provided to your block, then it would be useful for you to join with others within your block or all other leasehold properties so that you can seek to resolve the issues you are experiencing. This will also give you the opportunity to scrutinise the increases that you have been charged, you will be able to conduct research with other management companies or other sites to establish if the amounts are in line with other charges and are reasonable.


Why won’t LGM CIC do this for us


LGM CIC own operate and manage the community facilities at Leybourne chase we do not own the Freehold to the blocks so the contract for the management of them is outside of our control. We do have objectives to facilitate community cohesion so we will work with any resident groups to provide meeting space and guidance on running a resident/community group if needed.

Further FAQ 2020

Where does income from the hire of the community facilities go?


LGM CIC  will soon receive transfer of the ownership of the land (community facilities). Taylor Wimpey (TW) have been managing the facilities on behalf of LGM CIC in this time, in preparation for the land transfer from Homes England to LGM CIC.


TW have accumulated the hire income to provide to LGM CIC at the point of transfer. For the year end 2019 TW agreed on behalf of LGM CIC to provide £47,000 to Trinity to offset the service charge for 2019. This will show on the 2019 Trinity year end statement.


Once the land transfer takes place, LGM CIC will receive the residual income which has been ring fenced by TW in preparation for the transfer. This income will provide money back into the service charge the following year and so forth. Each year income will be accumulated and in time for the year end the Board of LGM CIC will decide how much to send back to the management company to offset the service charge, and how much to re invest in the community facilities and a program of Community development projects throughout each year.



Why doesn't the hire income show on the Trinity Budget?


This is an expenditure budget, a forecast of the costs of running the site, community facilities and apartment blocks. Therefore it does not show speculative income.


Who decides how much money goes back to offset the service charge?


Pre-transfer this is TW on behalf of LGM CIC. Post transfer the Board of LGM CIC. Each year a decision will be made on how much to offset on the service charge and how much must be retained to re-invest in the community facilities.


Who sits on the Board of LGM CIC?


A Maximum of 5 Directors and a minimum of 2 are required. We currently have 3 TW appointed Directors sitting on the Board of LGM CIC.


Why are TW making decisions on behalf of LGM CIC/the development?


TW have a duty under the Development agreement to ensure that the Company - LGM CIC, is properly equipped and set up ready to be handed over to Resident Directors by the end of 2021.


When will TW hand over LGM CIC to Residents and how?


Over the next 18 months LGM CIC will increasingly engage with Residents making sure everyone is aware of how the organisation is structured and what that means to them. All Residents will become Members of the Company.


Residents who are interested in being considered to become Directors will be invited to put their names forward. They will be appraised of their obligations, offered training, and a skills audit will take place of potential candidates. 



What relationship is there between LGM CIC and Trinity?


Trinity are appointed to act as Agent on behalf of LGM CIC (post transfer) to perform some of the obligations to manage and maintain the community facilities. Once the land transfer takes place and LGM CIC assume responsibility for this contract and they will closely monitor the performance of Trinity.



Why do I have to pay for the upkeep and running costs of the community facilities?


As part of any successful housing development, community facilities as well as housing must be provided to service both the Residents and those within the neighbouring communities  to provide additional infrastructure. As was the case with Leybourne Chase the planning permission of the site specified what facilities were to be put into place and TW have provided them in line with those specifications.


Similarly to council tax all Residents contribute equally to service the community facilities and those facilities are overseen by a managing body. In this case instead of a local council/Parish council LGM CIC will oversee the management, maintenance and operation of the community facilities. This will be an advantage to Residents because they will have direct involvement with the managing body via their Membership in LGM CIC.


One of the main objectives of LGM CIC will be to increase income opportunities via the community facilities whilst balancing the needs of the Residents to enjoy the development. This means each year we hope that the income will increase and in turn the amount Residents pay toward the maintenance of the facilities will reduce.


Why can’t I use the community centre of Pavilion for free if I contribute some of the maintenance costs via the service charge?


For the same reason Residents in the surrounding areas or indeed Nationally pay for the maintenance of their local village hall via council tax but also pay to hire it.  It wouldn't be a viable business plan to give access to residents for free. The purpose of the facilities is to offer community facilities to the community they serve.


The rates charged are reasonable and in line with local facilities. The short term objective of LGM CIC is to increase income to reduce the costs via the service charge and this involves maximising income opportunities. 


Conceptually the facilities are there to provide community development. This means we seek to offer a range of classes and groups which could serve as many residents as possible, there are also free or subsidised events throughout the year. If you have an idea about a group or class you would like to see at the Community centre or Pavilion get in touch at


What contractors will be appointed by Trinity to work on the community facilities ?


Ottimo are not appointed contractors on any of the community facilities.


Cleaning Pavilion and Community centre


Squeak n Clean are the contractor, and the actual cleaner appointed is a Resident on Leybourne Chase.


Landscaping services 


JN Gardening a local Kent based contractor owned and managed by John Newbury. John’s team are all Kent based and John himself regularly works on site since taking over the contract from Ottimo in January.


Health and Safety Reports 


In year one of LGM CIC taking ownership of the land we must appoint H and S advisors to provide extensive Risk assessments , H and S assessments and accompanying policies to ensure the community facilities are managed correctly. ETS Health and Safety based in Kings hill will be performing this service for us.


Arboriculturalist services 


This year we will again be faced with a one off larger cost to have a site wide tree survey carried out. This is necessary to update the last one carried out by TW in 2007 and ensure LGM CIC and ultimately the resident Board are discharging their landowner obligations as well as ensuring the safety of the trees. It will also be important to maintain and look after the trees we have on Leybourne Chase, some of these are over 200 years old and are assets we have a duty to care for.

Silva Woodland Management Ltd based in Tunbridge will be providing the tree survey as well as a woodland management plan. The latter will be funded via grant from  Woodland Trust.


Pump room, boiler and water testing at the Pavilion


KM services ltd were appointed in 2019, they are based in Wrotham. This contract is currently being re tendered by Trinity.



Why is there no shop or Medical centre?


Both are being managed by TW on behalf of the Freeholder. The Freeholder is not TW.  Both buildings are offering commercial leases which have been set by valuators. The buildings are being marketed by Agents.

Neither building is under the control of LGM CIC nor are there immediate plans for them to be. Residents do not pay for the upkeep of either building.



Why is there no bus route?


The provision of a bus route would be down to one of the local bus companies to deem necessary/viable. LGM CIC will work with any of these should they wish to explore how a route could be accommodated at Leybourne chase.


Budget Questions


£50,000 CDT charge for staffing 


£29,000 for Community development manager. £21,000 for part time strategic support to prepare LGM CIC for the transfer , this contract ceased in April 2020 therefore only £7,000 was spent from the £21,000 a positive balance will show in 2020 year end statement if no additional staffing resources are appointed.


£22,000 General repairs and Maintenance


This is a budget not a target spend we hope less is spent by the end of the year and do not expect to see any more  resulting in any deficits at year end. This heading is in fact site wide to cover all of the community facilities which sit across nearly 150 acres.


£19,351 to cut football pitches


This contract has now ended but as with the CDT charge because the services ceased once the year started the total annual cost will show then this will show a positive balance at year end. £8,062. 91 has been spent under this heading up until the end of the contract at the end of May. The Landscaper JN Gardening has reduce his monthly charge over the last 5 months to reflect that he has not assumed responsibility for the pitches and marking yet.


Pump maintenance £5,634 and Mechanical equipment £2,100 for the Pavilion 


This is the contract with KM which is being re tendered to see if a more competitive price might be obtained.


Gas charges £9,500 Pavilion Community centre £3,000


We have requested the bills from Trinity and confirmation that these figures are based off of actual readings submitted.


What amounts are in the various sink funds?


We have asked Trinity for a breakdown and have been advised that this will be detailed in the 2019 year end statement which will be issued to Residents in the coming weeks.



Will the budget keep going up at this rate each year?


No , it should not. We are at a peak in that all of the facilities have now been handed over and income is increasing as use os some of those facilities is still fairly new. We hope to see utilisation of the sink funds in future years as opposed to repairs being carried out under general repairs and maintenance.  Now one organisation will have oversight of all the facilities we can also better determine how much the contributions into the various sink funds should be. 

FAQ 2020

Why do I keep getting bills from Trinity?


The service charge is billed twice a year for an annual amount. In other words the total yearly cost is due in two instalments December and June. Alternatively you can choose to pay by Direct debit if you wish. This year the budget has been released slightly later so a bill has been issued in January with a second to follow in June.


How does the service charge work?


The Budget set and sent in the autumn to come into effect in the January.


The year end is released in the June of the following year. 


The Budget sets the estimated costs for running the site and the year end shows the actual expenditure.


What does the service charge pay for?


The Budget provides a breakdown but for freeholders it is the maintenance of the whole site excluding the adoptable areas - roads and pavements. The site is 140 acres and contains a Walled garden,  Arboretum, Orchards , Coppicing woodland , mature native woodland , habitat areas for bats, slow worms, dormice, badgers and other wildlife.  Sports pitches , footpaths , trim trail, 3 play parks , a kick about area , the sports pavilion and the community centre.


All of the above need insuring, monitoring, repairing , planting, weeding, treating and general managing. The buildings also require heating, electricity and water supply , health and safety checks, staff to hire them, clean then etc.


For Leaseholders there are additional charges specific to the block they are based in. A full breakdown of the charges can be provided in the Budget.



Where does income from the hire of the community facilities go?


Income from when the community centre first opened in 2015 has been held by Taylor Wimpey (TW) to transfer to LGM CIC when ownership of the land transferred. 


For the year end 2019 TW agreed on behalf of LGM CIC to provide £47,000 to Trinity to offset the service charge for 2019. This will show on the 2019 Trinity year end statement.


In 2020 the year end showed a surplus in the accounts so Residents would be due a refund or credit. As a result no income was used to offset the service charge that year but each freehold property received a credit of around £50.


The year end accounts for 2021 will be realised in the summer. 


Now the transfer has taken place LGM CIC will receive the residual income. This money will be used to re invest into the site and we will continue to accumulate further income.  Each year income will be accumulated and in time for the year end the Board of LGM CIC will decide how much to send back to the management company to offset the service charge, and how much to re invest in the community facilities and a program of Community development projects throughout each year.



Why doesn't the hire income appear on the Trinity Budget?


This is an expenditure budget, a forecast of the costs of running the site, community facilities and apartment blocks. Therefore it does not show speculative income.


Who decides how much money goes back to offset the service charge?


Pre-transfer this is TW on behalf of LGM CIC. Post transfer the Board of LGM CIC. Each year a decision will be made on how much to offset on the service charge and how much must be retained to re-invest in the community facilities.


Who sits on the Board of LGM CIC?


We have been advertising the roles for the last 4 years and now have 8 Residents appointed to the board of Directors. They have been undertaking training and an induction over the last 6 months ready for the handover. The Community development manager is employed to manage the community facilities o behalf of the board and Trinity are appointed as agent to manage the site.


Why were TW making decisions on behalf of LGM CIC/the development?


TW have a duty under the Development agreement to ensure that the Company - LGM CIC, is properly equipped and set up ready to be handed over to Resident Directors by the end of 2021.



What relationship is there between LGM CIC and Trinity?


Trinity are appointed to act as Agent on behalf of LGM CIC (post transfer) to perform some of the obligations to manage and maintain the community facilities. Once the land transfer takes place and LGM CIC assume responsibility for this contract and they will closely monitor the performance of Trinity.



Why do I have to pay for the upkeep and running costs of the community facilities?


As part of any successful housing development, community facilities as well as housing must be provided to service both the Residents and those within the neighbouring communities  to provide additional infrastructure. As was the case with Leybourne Chase the planning permission of the site specified what facilities were to be put into place and TW have provided them in line with those specifications.


Similarly to council tax all Residents contribute equally to service the community facilities and those facilities are overseen by a managing body. In this case instead of a local council/Parish council LGM CIC will oversee the management, maintenance and operation of the community facilities. This will be an advantage to Residents because they will have direct involvement with the managing body via their Membership in LGM CIC.


One of the main objectives of LGM CIC will be to increase income opportunities via the community facilities whilst balancing the needs of the Residents to enjoy the development. This means each year we hope that the income will increase and in turn the amount Residents pay toward the maintenance of the facilities will reduce.



Why can’t I use the community centre of Pavilion for free if I contribute some of the maintenance costs via the service charge?


For the same reason Residents in villages across the country pay for the maintenance of their local village hall via council tax but also pay to hire it.  It wouldn't be a viable business plan to give access to residents for free. The purpose of the facilities is to offer community facilities to the community they serve.

The rates charged are reasonable and in line with local facilities. The short term objective of LGM CIC is to increase income to reduce the costs via the service charge and this involves maximising income opportunities. 

Conceptually the facilities are a space for community development activities. This means we seek to offer a range of classes and groups which could serve as many residents as possible, there are also free or subsidised events throughout the year. If you have an idea about a group or class you would like to see at the Community centre or Pavilion get in touch at



What contractors will be appointed by Trinity to work on the community facilities ?


Ottimo are not appointed contractors on any of the community facilities.


Cleaning Pavilion and Community centre

Squeak n Clean are the contractor, and the actual cleaner appointed is a Resident on Leybourne Chase.


Landscaping services 

JN Gardening a local Kent based contractor owned and managed by John Newbury. John’s team are all Kent based and John himself regularly works on site since taking over the contract from Ottimo in January 2020.


Health and Safety Reports 

In year one of LGM CIC taking ownership of the land we must appoint H and S advisors to provide extensive Risk assessments , H and S assessments and accompanying policies to ensure the community facilities are managed correctly. ETS Health and Safety based in Kings hill will be performing this service for us.


Arboriculturalist services 


In the coming years it is  important we maintain and care for  the trees we have on Leybourne Chase, some of these are over 200 years old and are assets we have a duty to care for.

Silva Woodland Management Ltd based in Tonbridge have provided and extensive tree survey and a will shortly be creating a woodland management plan to set out the future strategies for managing our woodlands. The latter will be funded via grant from  Woodland Trust.

All works to trees must be conducted in accordance with the Tree protection orders on site.


Pump room, boiler and water testing at the Pavilion


KM services ltd were appointed in 2019 and secured the contract after it was re tendered in 2020 and 2021, they are based in Wrotham.



Why is there no Medical centre?


This is managed by TW on behalf of the Freeholder. The Freeholder is not TW.  This is a commercial leases which has been set by valuators. The buildings are being marketed by Agents.

Neither the shop or medial centre is under the control of LGM CIC nor are there immediate plans for them to be. Residents do not pay for the upkeep of either building.



Why is there no bus route?


The provision of a bus route would be down to one of the local bus companies to deem necessary/viable. LGM CIC will work with any of these should they wish to explore how a route could be accommodated at Leybourne chase.


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