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Letters and Updates

Here you can find our previous letters and updates with info on what's happening on site

Sad news regarding Moody...

As many of you know one of the cows, Moody, has been unwell. We recently took the decision to move her to be under the experienced care of a local farmer to receive more focused support in a contained environment – our hope was that her condition would improve.

Moody’s condition failed to improve. We asked a local vet to visit to conduct an assessment of her condition and provide any medication needed to ensure she remained as comfortable as possible.

The vet has since assessed Moody and informed us that, sadly, her health was such that she would not make a recovery from her condition. She was also now presenting signs of being in significant discomfort, despite pain medication being provided. She has informed us that her priority must be to put the cow’s needs and welfare first, and it was not fair to prolong her suffering. She therefore put Moody to sleep whilst in attendance.


We know the community will be as saddened as we are that there was no prospect of a recovery for Moody however, she was very old and had a happy couple of years living here with us at Leybourne Chase. We would like to thank both the vet and the farmer for their experienced guidance and compassionate care throughout the process and whilst Moody was in their charge.

Moody is Safe and Well

LGM CIC were recently made aware by the volunteers who care for the cows that Moody was lame on one of her legs and required some support. Yesterday, a farmer from whom we have taken advice over the past ten months or so came to look at her and advised that he could provide treatment but that it needed to be at his farm. Given he had the appropriate transport to hand, the decision was made in the best interests of Moody to move her.
The CIC in doing so has;
1. Thoroughly addressed all Moody's needs including providing comprehensive treatment
2. Ensured Moody is safe, remains in otherwise good health and is currently under the care of an expert
3. Made the decision to transition her to expert care to ensure she receives the specialist attention required for her recovery.

We look forward to welcoming Moody back to the Team at The Chase once she is fully recovered. 

Please follow the link below should you wish to find out more information.

LGM CIC Update 
Business Planning & Community Engagement

"LGM CIC has been working on developing a strategic business plan for the organization which responds to the needs and aspirations of Leybourne Chase residents and delivers on our roles and responsibilities as set out in our governing documents. Over the summer, we conducted community consultation, reaching out to residents and our key stakeholders on what they would like to see included.  The feedback has been analysed and the development work is concluding.  The Board will therefore publish the business plan soon.In the background, the Board has been developing ideas taken from the community consultation and researching into how they can be moved forward and funded over a three-year period.  With this work concluding, the Board are preparing to share some of the key priority projects with the community through a series of communications.

Residents' Meeting Minutes - 24th September 2024

Leybourne Chase AGM (community meeting)

Date: Tuesday, 24th September 2024 Time: 18:00-21:00 Location: The Pavilion, Bannister Way, West Malling, ME19 5SA


Directors; Nic Bowler (Chair of the meeting), Clare Leyden, Malcolm White, Manoj Koothur, Greg Ward

Interim Management Finance Consultant Mark Dodson

Independent Chair of the Board SallyAnne Logan, Independent Chair of the Board

The meeting was called to order by Nic Bowler, Director, who began with a round of introductions and ran through the health and safety procedures for the evening. Nic outlined the agenda, explaining that, unfortunately, the meeting was not quorate, with only 16 members in attendance at the start of the meeting, falling short of the required 58 members required for quorum. Some further members arrived after the start of the meeting but not enough to reach quorum. As a result, no voting would take place during the meeting and is not classified as an AGM. The session continued as a community meeting.

A question was raised by one of the attendees regarding how quorum is determined. Mark provided clarification, explaining that quorum is based on a percentage of the total number of households within the community. Following this, there was a discussion on how to better accommodate future meetings for young families, with suggestions made to push the meeting back later in the evening or to hold it on a weekend for improved attendance.

It was proposed that an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) be scheduled for November or December of 2024, with residents' support being crucial to achieving a better turnout for quorum. Sal offered the option to adjourn the meeting, but the residents in attendance voted to proceed with the presentation of the planned materials.

Nic Bowler continued with a PowerPoint presentation (available on our website), explaining the role and responsibilities of the Leybourne Grange Management Community Interest Company (LGM CIC). The new Directors—Claire Leyden, Malcolm White, Greg Ward, and Manoj

Koothur—each introduced themselves and provided a brief overview of their experience and areas of expertise. Due to the lack of quorum, the residents were unable to formally vote to confirm the new Directors.

During the presentation, Nic provided an update on progress with Taylor Wimpey regarding the road adoption process and the handover of phase 6 which both remain. Roads will be adopted by KCC. This ongoing issue remains a focal point for the community.

Sal then gave a brief summary of 2023 and the achievements and ongoing efforts of the LGM CIC. Tatum introduced Preim and confirmed that the slides presented during the meeting would be distributed to all residents following the event.

Mark provided an overview of the 2023 accounts, addressing specific financial queries raised by residents, including discrepancies related to business rates. He fielded further questions, clarifying the financial situation and explaining any concerns.

A resident raised a question regarding the Doctor's surgery and the potential use of the currently empty unit within the community, highlighting interest in how it could be utilised going forward.

The meeting concluded with the understanding that an EGM would be held later in the year to vote on revised Articles(required to make the governance and administration of LGM CIC more effective and efficient) and proceed with the necessary voting and decision-making.

It was agreed that a further bin would be installed by Costcutters. Preim to action.

Notice of AGM - 24th September 2024

​Please find attached information relating to the 2023 AGM. This includes information about how to vote.  To register to vote by proxy, we must receive your completed by 5pm, 23rd September 2024.

Please click on the link for the letter regarding the Notice of the AGM

Please click on the link to preview the LGM Service Charge 2023 Accounts Schedule 1

Please click on the link to preview the LGM Service Charge 2023 Accounts Schedule 2

Please click on the link to preview the LGM CIC 2023 Accounts

 Director Recruitment to the


  • Letter - Director Recruitment to the  Leybourne Grange Management CIC Board

  • Appendix A - LGM CIC Director Role Description Summary

  • Appendix B - LGM CIC Director Application Process

  • Appendix C -  LGM CIC Board Terms of Reference

  • Appendix D - Director Skills Matrix Audit

  • Appendix E - LGM CIC Code of Conduct

Notice of AGM - 19th March 2024

Please click on the link for the letter regarding the Notice of the AGM

Please click on the link to preview the AGM Draft Articles 

Please click on the link to preview the LGM CIC 2022 Accounts

January Update Letter

Thursday 18th January 2024


Dear Residents,

We hope this message finds you well.

We are writing to inform you of some significant developments within our community, and its management, that we believe are important for you to be aware of.

Our Community Development Manager (CDM), Kate O'Shea, has made the decision to move on from her role with Leybourne Grange Management CIC with effect from 31st January 2024. As the Board, we want to thank Kate for all she has done at Leybourne Chase over her time with us, and acknowledge all the hard work she has put in.

We understand the importance of maintaining stability and continuity in the management of our community. We also wanted to have a pause to reflect, rather than rushing into a recruitment for a permanent replacement.

Therefore, as an interim measure, we are working on appointing an experienced consultancy that will assist us with shaping the CIC for the future and enable us to ensure the seamless continuation of our community's affairs. The desire is that the appointed organisation will work closely with the existing team and the Board of Directors to oversee the day-to-day operations and provide strategic guidance during this transitional period. Following an independent review and any completion of any actions required, we will look to recruit a replacement CDM.

We recognise that change can bring uncertainties. We want to assure you that the Board is committed to keeping the best interests of our community at the forefront of our decisions. We are prioritizing a smooth transition that puts the needs and concerns of our residents first, including working closely with Preim our new managing agent.  This includes sending the service charges bills out soon.

As we move forward, we see this as an opportunity to evaluate and enhance our community's governance and operations. Your feedback and input will be essential in shaping the path ahead. We are dedicated to creating an environment that fosters collaboration, transparency and community spirit. We will be organising community meetings in the near future to provide more information about these changes, address any questions you may have, and gather your valuable input.

Given the significant changes we are going through, we ask that you please bear with us during this time and thank you for your continued support and understanding. We believe that, together, we can navigate this period of change and emerge stronger as a community.

Yours faithfully,


Nic Bowler & David Harris                                                                                                              

On behalf of Leybourne Grange Management Community Interest Company

Notice of Adjournment

Notice of AGM and Notification of appointment of Directors 


Dear Resident,


Update on AGM and Directors.


As you may recall when you purchased a property on Leybourne Chase you were required to enter a Deed of Covenant and Deed of Adherence. This is where you agreed to contribute to the upkeep of the community facilities, comply with certain restrictions and agree to participate in the management of the company through your membership and/or Directorship of the company itself.


Updated Articles 


Earlier this month we circulated updated Articles of Association which were intended to make them more practical and to enable us to increase the number of residents who can be Directors of the Company. However, as the English partnership period has now ended, which was triggered by Homes England stepping down as a member of the Company, we no longer have any cap on the number of Directors we can appoint. We do not therefore require the new Articles to be passed to increase the number of seats on the Board. We would like to update our Articles in the future, but this is not now so time sensitive if we can have more Directors with the current ones in place.


Appointing Directors 


In order to conduct any business at an AGM a quorum of 75 households must be present. We have not been able to achieve this threshold for this years scheduled meeting and so the AGM on the 18th will be adjourned until Tuesday 19th March at 19:00 at the Sports Pavilion. 


While the AGM has been adjourned, we will circulate our Income Accounts and AGM pack on the 18th December so that you still have access to this information. Our hope is that by adjourning the AGM you have time to digest this information well ahead of the next meeting so that more people are in a better position to attend. Preim will be writing to everyone in the new year with a welcome pack and a date for a meeting to introduce themselves to the Residents and give more information on how they hope to improve the management of the site. 


In the absence of a quorate AGM, we are writing to all Members once again, to give notice of the current Directors and those interested in joining the Board in 2024.


In future years we may seek to ratify the appointment of Directors at an AGM but to do so would require a quorate AGM. Until we can hold a quorate AGM will we continue to write to you and notify you of any changes to who sits on the Board.



Nic Bowler (Chair)

David Harris

Jon Hitchcock

Greg Ward (resigning in December/January)

Mark Davis (to join in January)


If you would also like to join the Board or find out what it entails, please contact by the 17:00 on the 31stDecember for appointments for 2024. If we receive more applications that we feel is practical to offer places then we will arrange for a vote to be held.






FAQ on AGM and draft Articles


We have been made aware that some of you do not have access to your original articles and Community Trust Declaration, we have uploaded these onto our website, so you are able to review them against the new ones.


Why were we proposing a change to our Articles?


We wanted to adopt new Articles which had been drafted by a specialist law firm who work with community stewardship organisation to make the operative provisions clearer to increase participation from Members and attract additional Directors. A key motivator was to increase the number of seats available on the Board though we now know this will not be necessary as the English partnership period has ended.



Who can be a Director under the draft articles 


In both version of the articles the following is true:


Only Members can be Directors, only Residents can be Members. 


The terms around Member organisation refer to the Housing Association who is a Member of the Company representing the HA units on the site.


Only Members can vote at the AGM.


There is a provision to exclude Members if their Membership is currently or will be harmful to the interests of the company. This provision enables Directors to remove a Member only in this instance, this term was incorporated by the solicitors to protect the Company and the other Members. It is not included at the request of the Board. If we want to update the articles in the future we need not include this provision if it is something the Members are unhappy with.




There is only one vote per household, technically the first person listed on the register of members can vote on behalf of the household (listed alphabetically on first name) however we will accept either party registered to the address attending the meeting and voting with the others agreement.


75 households need to be present or have given a proxy vote for the meeting to be quorate. This is why we ask for you to register your attendance. Based on the current registration details the meeting on the 18th December will not be quorate so no vote will be held. This is to be expected with such a high threshold for attendance, if the resolution does not pass on this occasion, we can circulate the resolution again at future AGMs if need be.


If you live in a shared ownership property, then you are entitled to vote as a Member of the company. Likewise, if you are a tenant in a Housing Association property then as your housing association is not appointed as a Member of the Company to represent your views, we will enable each household to register a vote directly.



Yours faithfully




The Board of LGM CIC 





If you wish to appoint a proxy


As a Company Member you are entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and cast your vote at the adjourned AGM. 


If you had already appointed a proxy for the AGM on 18th December, your proxy will continue to be valid unless you tell us otherwise. 


If you have not previously appointed a proxy for the AGM, and you would now like to do so, you can appoint a proxy using the form below.


A proxy does not need to be a Member of the Company but must attend the meeting to represent you. You can only appoint a proxy using the procedures set out in the notes and by using the proxy form below. To assist, the proxy form below provides the option to appoint the Company Secretary as your proxy.


If you do not give your proxy an indication on how to vote on any resolution, your proxy may vote or abstain from voting at their discretion.



(“the Company/CIC”)



82 Hawley Drive, Leybourne, West Malling, Kent ME19 5FL




Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting called for Monday 18th December 2023 has been adjourned due to a lack of quorum. The adjourned AGM will now take place at the Sports Pavilion Bannister Way, ME19 5SA on 19th March 2024 at 7pm


The meeting will consider the following resolutions, as proposed in the original notice of AGM:


  1. To approve the following special resolution:


“THAT the Articles of Association of the Company be rescinded in their entirety and replaced with the version attached to this Notice”

  1. To receive a presentation of LGM CIC projects and activities to date presented by Nic Bowler the Chair of the Board of Directors of LGM CIC.

  2. To receive a presentation from Cameron McGuire the Regional Client Manager for Preim Ltd on what services they will offer the development in 2024 when they take over from DMG Estates as Estate manager of the community assets owned and managed by LGM CIC.

  3. To receive the annual accounts and the report of Directors.

Registering to attend the AGM.


Please complete an online registration by using the link below or scanning this QR code with your phone. If you do not have access to either there is a paper form at the end of this document which can be posted to the Community centre or sent via email to







Company Number:  6977866

A Company Limited by Guarantee

Registered in England



(“the Company/CIC”)



Before completing this form, please read the explanatory notes below 

I /We ...................................................................................................................... [INSERT FULL NAME[S] IN BLOCK CAPITALS]

being a member of the Company appoint the Company Secretary or (see note 3) 


as my/our proxy to attend, speak and vote on my/our behalf at the adjourned Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held at 19.00 on 19th March 2024 at the Sports Pavilion, Bannister Way, ME19 5SA.

I/We direct my/our proxy to vote on the following resolutions as I/we have indicated by marking the appropriate box with an 'X' (see note [6] below).







“THAT the Articles of Association of the Company be rescinded in their entirety and replaced with the version attached to this Resolution”




Receipt of Chair’s Update




Receipt of Preim Ltd presentation




Receipt of Accounts and Directors Report





Signed by:

Company Member name:         .....................................................

SIGNATURE OF INDIVIDUAL MEMBER ..............................................................

Date: .....................................................


Where two or more Members exist either Resident may complete the attached with the agreement of the other Resident.


1. As a member of the Company you are entitled to appoint a proxy or proxies to exercise all or any of your rights to attend, speak and vote at a general meeting of the Company. You can only appoint a proxy using the procedures set out in these notes.

2. Appointment of a proxy does not preclude you from attending the meeting and voting in person. If you have appointed a proxy and attend the meeting in person and vote, your proxy appointment will automatically be terminated.

3.               A proxy does not need to be a member of the Company but must attend the meeting to represent you. If you wish to appoint a proxy other than the Company Secretary, delete "Company Secretary" and insert their full name in the space provided. If you leave this space blank, the Company Secretary will be appointed your proxy. Where you appoint as your proxy someone other than the Company Secretary, you are responsible for ensuring that they attend the meeting and are aware of your voting intentions.

4.               To direct your proxy how to vote on the resolutions mark the appropriate box with an "X". If no voting indication is given, your proxy will vote or abstain from voting at their discretion. Your proxy will vote (or abstain from voting) as they think fit in relation to any other matter which is put before the meeting, including a motion to adjourn.

5.               To appoint a proxy using this form, the form must be:

a.               completed and signed by you or your attorney duly authorised in writing;

b.               sent or delivered to the Company at Leybourne Grange Management Community Interest Company, Community Centre, 82 Hawley Drive, Leybourne, West Malling, ME19 5FL; or

c.               sent by attaching a scanned copy of the signed document to an email and sending it to Leybourne Grange Management Community interest company; and

d.               be received by the Company no later than 19.00 on 17th March 2024.



University Name

Briefly describe your degree and any other highlights about your studies you want to share. Be sure to include relevant skills you gained, accomplishments you achieved or milestones you reached during your education.


University Name

Briefly describe your degree and any other highlights about your studies you want to share. Be sure to include relevant skills you gained, accomplishments you achieved or milestones you reached during your education.


University Name

Briefly describe your degree and any other highlights about your studies you want to share. Be sure to include relevant skills you gained, accomplishments you achieved or milestones you reached during your education.

Upcoming AGM and Vote

Thursday 23rd November 2023


Notice of upcoming AGM and Members Written Resolution for your approval 


Dear Resident,


Vote required on proposed resolution.


As you may recall when you purchased a property on Leybourne Chase you were required to enter a Deed of Covenant and Deed of Adherence. This is where you agreed to contribute to the upkeep of the community facilities, comply with certain restrictions and agree to participate in the management of the company through your membership and/or Directorship of the company itself.


We are writing to you today in your capacity as Member of the company to give notice of the AGM, part of which is to consider a proposed resolution to change our Articles of Association. The Articles are the governing documents of the company and sit alongside the Community Trust Declaration.


The original Articles were drawn up before the company was operational and they are no longer fit for purpose. We are seeking to change the Articles to make them more practical and to enable us to increase the number of Residents who can be Directors of the Company. These changes will help to improve the way the organisation is run.


A copy of the resolution is attached, you will need to do one of the following:

1.     Register and attend the AGM on Monday 18th December to vote on the proposed resolution. 

2.     If you are unable to attend the meeting you can nominate the Company Secretary or another individual to carry your vote as a proxy. Please complete the proxy form and return it via email or to the Community center postbox by 17:00 on Friday the 15th December.

3.     If you do not wish to appoint a proxy and do not wish to attend the AGM you do not have to do anything. 


Notice of AGM


Please see below Notice of the upcoming AGM. 


If you wish to attend the AGM, please register. Details are below. 



(“the Company/CIC”)



82 Hawley Drive, Leybourne, West Malling, Kent ME19 5FL




To be held at The Sports Pavilion, Bannister Way, West Malling , ME19 5SA

on 18/12/23

at 19:00




Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at 19.00 on 18th December 2023 at the Sports Pavilion, Bannister Way, West Malling , ME19 5SA. You will be asked to consider and vote on the resolutions below:


  1. To approve the following Special Resolution:


“THAT the Articles of Association of the Company be rescinded in their entirety and replaced with the version displayed on our website under AGM ”

  1. To receive a presentation of LGM CIC projects and activities to date presented by Nic Bowler the Chair of the Board of Directors of LGM CIC.

  1. To receive a presentation from Cameron McGuire the Regional Client Manager for Preim Ltd on what services they will offer the development in 2024 when they take over from DMG Estates as Estate manager of the community assets owned and managed by LGM CIC


  1. To recive a report on the year end Accounts for LGM CIC for the year 2022 and Directors Report.



By order of the Board


Registering to attend the AGM.


If you wish to attend the meeting, please complete an online registration by using the link below or scanning this QR code with your phone. If you do not have access to either there is a paper form at the end of this document which can be posted to the Sports Pavilion, Bannister Way, West Malling , ME19 5SA or sent via email to



If you wish to appoint a Proxy


As a Company Member you are entitled to appoint a Proxy to attend and cast your vote at the AGM. A Proxy does not need to be a Member of the Company but must attend the meeting to represent you. You can only appoint a Proxy using the procedures set out in the notes and by using the Proxy Form below. To assist the Proxy Form below provides the option to appoint the Company Secretary as your Proxy.


If you do not give your Proxy an indication on how to vote on any resolution, your Proxy may vote or abstain from voting at their discretion. 


Company Number:  6977866

A Company Limited by Guarantee

Registered in England




(“the Company/CIC”)




Before completing this form, please read the explanatory notes below 

I /We ...................................................................................................................... [INSERT FULL NAME[S] IN BLOCK CAPITALS]

being a member of the Company appoint the Company Secretary or (see note 3) 


as my/our proxy to attend, speak and vote on my/our behalf at the Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held at 19.00 on 18th  December 2023 at the Sports Pavilion, Bannister Way, West Malling , ME19 5SA and at any adjournment of the meeting.

I/We direct my/our proxy to vote on the following resolutions as I/we have indicated by marking the appropriate box with an 'X' (see note [6] below).

“THAT the Articles of Association of the Company be rescinded in their entirety and replaced with the version attached to this Resolution”

Receipt of Chair’s Update

Receipt of Preim Ltd presentation

Receipt of the 2022 Accounts and Directors Report


Signed by:




Company Member name:












Where two or more Members exist either Resident may complete the attached with the agreement of the other Resident.




1. As a member of the Company you are entitled to appoint a proxy or proxies to exercise all or any of your rights to attend, speak and vote at a general meeting of the Company. You can only appoint a proxy using the procedures set out in these notes.:

2. Appointment of a proxy does not preclude you from attending the meeting and voting in person. If you have appointed a proxy and attend the meeting in person and vote, your proxy appointment will automatically be terminated.


  1. A proxy does not need to be a member of the Company but must attend the meeting to represent you. If you wish to appoint a proxy other than the Company Secretary, delete "Company Secretary" and insert their full name in the space provided. If you leave this space blank, the Company Secretary will be appointed your proxy. Where you appoint as your proxy someone other than the Company Secretary, you are responsible for ensuring that they attend the meeting and are aware of your voting intentions.

  2. To direct your proxy how to vote on the resolutions mark the appropriate box with an "X". If no voting indication is given, your proxy will vote or abstain from voting at their discretion. Your proxy will vote (or abstain from voting) as they think fit in relation to any other matter which is put before the meeting, including a motion to adjourn.

  3. To appoint a proxy using this form, the form must be:

    1. Completed and signed by you or your attorney duly authorised in writing;

    2. Sent or delivered to the Company at Leybourne Grange Management Community Interest Company, Sports Pavilion, Bannister Way, West Malling , ME19 5SA; or

    3. Sent by attaching a scanned copy of the signed document to an email and sending it to Leybourne Grange Management Community interest company ; and

    4. Be received by the Company no later than 17.00 on 15th  December 2023.


Please return to 82 Hawley Drive, Leybourne, West Malling, ME19 5FL

Or email





1.  Question: Nic Bowler / Directors to clarify residents accessing the LGM CIC income account as written into the Articles of Association at an agreed time during Business Hours. 


Response: Residents will have access to the LGM CIC income accounts when they are filed at Companies House. The filing date for the accounts is scheduled for 30/09/23.


2.  Question: Nic Bowler / Directors to clarify whether LGM CIC can hold an EGM or General meeting if the AGM is likely to be postponed for much longer. 


Response: While we understand your concern, we are currently facing difficulties in getting a response from Homes England regarding their attendance at our AGM. To ensure that important matters are addressed, we plan to hold regular residents' meetings in the interim. These meetings will provide an opportunity to informally share items that would typically be discussed at an AGM, and you can ask any pertinent questions. We are working towards confirming the date of the first meeting, likely in late September.


3.  Question: Nic Bowler / Directors to provide the Development Strategy to Residents. 


Response: The Community Development Trust (CDT) business plan, outlining the initial strategy for the company, is presently under review and updating by community stewardship specialists. Once this process is complete, we will promptly share the plan with all residents. The review involves incorporating insights from the initial engagement survey and follow-up engagement groups conducted by Shoesmith and Smith, our communications consultants. Additional engagement events facilitated by the Stewardship Specialists will also play a crucial role in shaping the strategy.


4.  Question: Nic to confirm the amount of money that the Directors have to sign off on regarding CDM spending. 


Response: Expenditure in excess of £2,000 requires board approval. This is LGM CIC expenditure in respect of orders for work, goods and services. All other service charge spending is authorised when the budget is approved and any derogation from the budget is approved by directors. This figure aligns with that outline in our Financial Procedures Policy.


5.  Question: Nic Bowler / Directors to confirm who maintains the walled garden (aside from cutting the grass) as residents are under the impression this is all part of the development maintenance service charge – if it isn't, then why not? ​


Response: The walled garden is maintained concerning landscaping, which includes a weekly grass cut and weeding amongst some other tasks. Additionally, the community gardening project and its members has taken on responsibilities such as planting flowers, managing the kitchen garden, and addressing additional gardening requirements not managed by DMG. Presently, we do not employ a “gardener”. If you have any specific concerns about the walled garden, we encourage you to raise your concerns with DMG, who manage the contract.

6.  Question: As LGM CIC will not recognize ‘unofficial resident meetings’, Directors to look into setting up an ‘official committee’ to work alongside them to resolve issues and ensure that residents' voices are heard. 


Response: As previously mentioned, we are taking proactive steps to address residents' concerns. We will be organizing regular residents' meetings where we can informally discuss matters that would typically be addressed at AGMs. These meetings will provide a platform for you to raise relevant questions and ensure that your voices are heard. We are in the process of confirming the date for the first meeting, which is likely to take place in late September.


7.  Question: Residents are still awaiting a confirmed time, date, and venue for the AGM. 

Response: We sincerely apologize for the delay in confirming the AGM details. We are diligently working with our solicitors to find a solution that allows us to hold the AGM without Homes England's presence, if possible. Rest assured that our solicitors have been in communication with Homes England and have proposed potential options, including HE attending the AGM to agree to changing the articles of association and removing themselves as a member, thus eliminating the need for their presence in the future.


8.  Question: Nic Bowler / Directors to look into why Everest Ices was asked by the CDM to pay £200 month fee to be on the Chase when other ice cream vans are not – Everest Ices is keen to come back on and serve the Chase again. 


Response: Everest Ices was invited to pay for a regular pitch at Leybourne chase in the sum of £20 per month.  This offer was made in September 2019 when the roads to the development were private, as they still are prior to adoption. Payments for mobile vendors and food retailers, such as Pizza Revolution and previously, The Travelling Bean, are reserved for those requesting a fixed pitch. These fixed pitch vendors significantly contribute to the development's income, and their presence has proven to be beneficial. We will continue to push for any commercial enterprises who sell goods or services in or on community spaces to contribute to the income of the facilities and reduce the burden of the service charge on residents.

Autumn update

Autumn update from Leybourne Grange Management (LGM CIC)


Dear Resident,


We hope this letter finds you well. As the year comes to a close, we wanted to share some important updates with you regarding Leybourne Chase and our activities here.


Survey 2023

Thank you to those who participated in our survey earlier this year. The aim was to

get more direct feedback from Residents across a range of themes and issues. 


The resounding feedback from the survey was that improved communication in a timely manner is a priority. We have been reviewing how we can achieve this with the resources available and have decided on a course of action that we will explain in more detail below.  The second major theme throughout the feedback was the importance people place on the outside spaces here. We have used this feedback to inform how we move forward with the projects on site. 


Contract with estates management company 

Last year we made the decision to move away from Trinity to DMG to provide the estate management service to residents. We understand this has been a difficult year for DMG trying to obtain all the required information from Trinity, however, we recognise your frustrations with the site maintenance and believe there is a room for improvement in the service delivered to residents, including around communication and how that is provided. 

As a result, we have made the decision to transition to a larger, more established, estates management company, Preim, starting in January. Preim specialise in working with sites such as ours and after much research, gathering references and interviewing them, we believe this is a positive step forward for Leybourne Chase. 


Our main objectives behind moving are to obtain:


  • Better quality communications with Residents: welcome pack with contact numbers and emails, quarterly newsletters, monthly meetings with residents and an annual meeting with residents held by the Management company.

  • Portal access to allow all Residents to see the balance on their accounts and quarterly spend to budget reports for financial transparency.

  • Greater experience at managing sites with large open spaces which require tailored management regimes. 

  • Proven experience working with Resident Stewardship organisations which manage community assets.


Preim will also deliver a yearly resident meeting so that they can continue to offer this face-to-face contact with residents. This will be in addition to a weekly on-site presence and bookable appointments with the estate manager.


We understand this decision impacts all Residents and so we want to offer you the opportunity to meet the new estate management company before they start work on site in January. A meeting will be held on Wednesday the 13thDecember at 19:00 at the Community centre where Preim will introduce themselves, provide an overview of their experience and what they can offer Leybourne Chase and share their approach to enhancing our community living experience here on the Chase. Preim will also introduce you to their ways of working and explain how this will result in a better service experience for you.



A reminder that Trinity will remain appointed as estate management company in respect of management of the leasehold flat/apartment blocks. If you are in a flat, you will continue to receive your service charge in two parts: one for your block maintenance and the estate management charge.


Leasehold blocks fall outside of the Contract with LGM CIC so we are unable to intervene in this arrangement, however, if you are experiencing issues with your block management you may find this guide useful



Annual General Meeting


We have had the good news and can now announce that Homes England have finalised their handover of the site and we are able to schedule our first AGM. This will be held on Wednesday the 13th December at 19:00 at the Community centre. In advance of the meeting, you will be provided with access to a digital copy of our AGM pack outlining 2022 achievements, 2023 plans, and proposals for 2024. Our Accounts for the income from the community facilities will also be published in advance of the meeting.


The service charge accounts for 2022 will also be circulated shortly.


If you are unable to access a digital copy, please complete the slip attached and return it to the Community Centre or email us at and we will arrange for a hard copy to be sent to you.




Review of 2023 projects 



The remaining work to the Beadsman Crescent Park in phase 1 has been completed. As part of this enhancement, we've added an extra path to replace the muddy track that went round the park, making the outdoor pathways more accessible for everyone. Our aim is to continually improve the community experience, and we recognise that well-maintained pathways are a key aspect of that. As we look ahead, we anticipate the need for further investments in paths over the coming years. Your input is invaluable in identifying areas that would benefit from improvement work. If there is an area which you think would benefit from improvement work, please contact us with details so we can take your experiences on board when arranging future projects.


Kitchen garden 

Our kitchen garden project has successfully taken root in the walled garden, thanks to the dedication of a fantastic group of volunteers. Excitingly, the project is open to all! Whether you have a green thumb or are just curious, join us. Register your interest on our website or complete the attached form if you're not online. Your involvement will help cultivate a thriving community space and it is great for getting the kids out, meeting new people and socialising. The kitchen garden has won a couple of awards recently and we are hoping to use it as an example to obtain grant funding for similar ideas.


Walled garden 

Regrettably, the maintenance of the walled garden didn't meet our standards this year. We've taken immediate action by reviewing the contract and adjusting the maintenance regime. Subsequent improvements have been observed, but we're committed to ongoing monitoring to ensure the garden reaches its full potential. Your understanding and patience during this process are greatly appreciated as we work towards creating a beautifully maintained community space.



The grazing project has been surprisingly successful this year and we have successfully eliminated the Ragwort from the field the animals have been grazing in. Now, our focus shifts to controlling the thistle population—finding the right balance for a diverse habitat. Dexter, the steer, celebrated his first birthday by testing our boundaries and discovering he could wiggle through the fencing. Volunteers rallied to secure him, prompting swift fence repairs and the addition of barbed wire for extra security.


Trottiscliffe Community Farm is shifting its focus and will no longer oversee the care of the cows on our site. Recognising the joy these animals bring to many of you, we're actively exploring alternative partnerships to ensure the cows remain a cherished part of our community. We will keep you informed of any developments.


Dilapidated Pavilion 

The old pavilion in the field behind Valley Invicta Primary School had its asbestos roof removed to comply with health and safety legislation. As a result, it has been exposed to the elements and is in a state of disrepair. We faced a pivotal choice: either dismantle the structure at our cost or invest in restoration for communal use. Opting for the latter, the pavilion now stands as a promising community asset.


A care farm dedicated to working with children with learning difficulties has approached us. They express a keen interest in hiring part of the open space adjacent to the old pavilion to provide opportunities to for their service users to care for animals and develop skills in horticulture. This collaboration will not only cover the expenses incurred for the building's renovation but also ensures a sustainable revenue stream for the future, aligning perfectly with our commitment to fostering community assets and enriching our community fabric. We are excited about the potential positive impact this endeavor will have on both the pavilion and the lives of those benefitting from the care farm.



In addition to the exciting developments with the old pavilion, we are working on a plan to introduce allotments to our community. Allotments not only contribute to sustainable living but also offer an opportunity for community members to connect with nature and each other. We believe this project aligns with the vision of creating diverse and beneficial spaces within Leybourne Grange.

We are currently in the funding-seeking stage for the installation of these allotments and will keep you informed with the progress. 


Dog walking area 

We are actively seeking funding to establish a dedicated dog walking area within our community—an initiative aimed at providing a secure and enjoyable space for our furry friends and their owners. We will also work hard to retain paths around the open space by the old pavilion so that you can continue to enjoy walking around these areas.



This year we held the following events alongside our weekly playgroup at the Community Centre:


-        January Yoga and Pilates retreat 

-        Easter bunny hunt and celebrations

-        Easter holidays Bush craft 

-        Easter holidays Dinosaur soft play

-        Menopause information evening 

-        May half term Bushcraft 

-        May half term Pirates and Mermaids event 

-        June Yoga and Pilates retreat

-        LGRCD fundraising Quiz night 

-        October half term Bush craft 

-        Halloween ghost hunt 


We continue to invite you to share your ideas for events you would like to see happening at Leybourne Chase. If you would like to arrange your own community event or start a group, applications can be made for funding and support to help you get started. Please get in touch at




Your opinions matter! In the early part of next year, we will be circulating surveys to capture your views on current and future projects. Your insights are invaluable in shaping the direction of our community initiatives.


To further enhance engagement, we're planning a series of events to improve your knowledge and understanding of the facilities available. This effort aims to uncover ways these spaces can better adapt to meet your diverse interests and needs.

Your participation is key to making Leybourne Grange a community that resonates with each of you. Look out for survey invitations, and join us in these engaging events to contribute to the continued growth of our vibrant community.


Charter groups and Community funding 


As mentioned above we host a series of events throughout the year, but we are keen for you to  have the ability to drive the events and issues that are important to you. This year we will be launching the charter club fund; a small fund will be available to help with the establishment or running costs of a community group or event. Applications need to show the community value and how the group or event will achieve this objective, the proposal and grants will be issues quarterly throughout the year. For more information email



As we strive for continued growth and representation, we are seeking to amend our Articles to create additional seats for Directors. We aim to address this at the upcoming AGM. If you have an interest in contributing to the governance of Leybourne Grange, we encourage you to get in touch.

This will enable us to plan for the selection and training process, ensuring a seamless transition when these seats become available.




Yours faithfully,





The Directors of LGM CIC





Response to Questions from residents August 23

Answers to questions from residents 


1.  Question: Nic Bowler / Directors to clarify residents accessing the LGM CIC income account as written into the Articles of Association at an agreed time during Business Hours. 


Response: Residents will have access to the LGM CIC income accounts when they are filed at Companies House. The filing date for the accounts is scheduled for 30/09/23.


2.  Question: Nic Bowler / Directors to clarify whether LGM CIC can hold an EGM or General meeting if the AGM is likely to be postponed for much longer. 


Response: While we understand your concern, we are currently facing difficulties in getting a response from Homes England regarding their attendance at our AGM. To ensure that important matters are addressed, we plan to hold regular residents' meetings in the interim. These meetings will provide an opportunity to informally share items that would typically be discussed at an AGM, and you can ask any pertinent questions. We are working towards confirming the date of the first meeting, likely in late September.


3.  Question: Nic Bowler / Directors to provide the Development Strategy to Residents. 


Response: The Community Development Trust (CDT) business plan, outlining the initial strategy for the company, is presently under review and updating by community stewardship specialists. Once this process is complete, we will promptly share the plan with all residents. The review involves incorporating insights from the initial engagement survey and follow-up engagement groups conducted by Shoesmith and Smith, our communications consultants. Additional engagement events facilitated by the Stewardship Specialists will also play a crucial role in shaping the strategy.


4.  Question: Nic to confirm the amount of money that the Directors have to sign off on regarding CDM spending. 


Response: Expenditure in excess of £2,000 requires board approval. This is LGM CIC expenditure in respect of orders for work, goods and services. All other service charge spending is authorised when the budget is approved and any derogation from the budget is approved by directors. This figure aligns with that outline in our Financial Procedures Policy.


5.  Question: Nic Bowler / Directors to confirm who maintains the walled garden (aside from cutting the grass) as residents are under the impression this is all part of the development maintenance service charge – if it isn't, then why not? ​


Response: The walled garden is maintained concerning landscaping, which includes a weekly grass cut and weeding amongst some other tasks. Additionally, the community gardening project and its members has taken on responsibilities such as planting flowers, managing the kitchen garden, and addressing additional gardening requirements not managed by DMG. Presently, we do not employ a “gardener”. If you have any specific concerns about the walled garden, we encourage you to raise your concerns with DMG, who manage the contract.

6.  Question: As LGM CIC will not recognize ‘unofficial resident meetings’, Directors to look into setting up an ‘official committee’ to work alongside them to resolve issues and ensure that residents' voices are heard. 


Response: As previously mentioned, we are taking proactive steps to address residents' concerns. We will be organizing regular residents' meetings where we can informally discuss matters that would typically be addressed at AGMs. These meetings will provide a platform for you to raise relevant questions and ensure that your voices are heard. We are in the process of confirming the date for the first meeting, which is likely to take place in late September.


7.  Question: Residents are still awaiting a confirmed time, date, and venue for the AGM. 

Response: We sincerely apologize for the delay in confirming the AGM details. We are diligently working with our solicitors to find a solution that allows us to hold the AGM without Homes England's presence, if possible. Rest assured that our solicitors have been in communication with Homes England and have proposed potential options, including HE attending the AGM to agree to changing the articles of association and removing themselves as a member, thus eliminating the need for their presence in the future.


8.  Question: Nic Bowler / Directors to look into why Everest Ices was asked by the CDM to pay £200 month fee to be on the Chase when other ice cream vans are not – Everest Ices is keen to come back on and serve the Chase again. 


Response: Everest Ices was invited to pay for a regular pitch at Leybourne chase in the sum of £20 per month.  This offer was made in September 2019 when the roads to the development were private, as they still are prior to adoption. Payments for mobile vendors and food retailers, such as Pizza Revolution and previously, The Travelling Bean, are reserved for those requesting a fixed pitch. These fixed pitch vendors significantly contribute to the development's income, and their presence has proven to be beneficial. We will continue to push for any commercial enterprises who sell goods or services in or on community spaces to contribute to the income of the facilities and reduce the burden of the service charge on residents.




Draft Articles 2023

Governance Documents

Upcoming AGM and Vote

Thursday 23rd November 2023


Notice of upcoming AGM and Members Written Resolution for your approval 


Dear Resident,


Vote required on proposed resolution.


As you may recall when you purchased a property on Leybourne Chase you were required to enter a Deed of Covenant and Deed of Adherence. This is where you agreed to contribute to the upkeep of the community facilities, comply with certain restrictions and agree to participate in the management of the company through your membership and/or Directorship of the company itself.


We are writing to you today in your capacity as Member of the company to give notice of the AGM, part of which is to consider a proposed resolution to change our Articles of Association. The Articles are the governing documents of the company and sit alongside the Community Trust Declaration.


The original Articles were drawn up before the company was operational and they are no longer fit for purpose. We are seeking to change the Articles to make them more practical and to enable us to increase the number of Residents who can be Directors of the Company. These changes will help to improve the way the organisation is run.


A copy of the resolution is attached, you will need to do one of the following:

1.     Register and attend the AGM on Monday 18th December to vote on the proposed resolution. 

2.     If you are unable to attend the meeting you can nominate the Company Secretary or another individual to carry your vote as a proxy. Please complete the proxy form and return it via email or to the Community center postbox by 17:00 on Friday the 15th December.

3.     If you do not wish to appoint a proxy and do not wish to attend the AGM you do not have to do anything. 


Notice of AGM


Please see below Notice of the upcoming AGM. 


If you wish to attend the AGM, please register. Details are below. 



(“the Company/CIC”)



82 Hawley Drive, Leybourne, West Malling, Kent ME19 5FL




To be held at The Sports Pavilion, Bannister Way, West Malling , ME19 5SA

on 18/12/23

at 19:00




Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Company will be held at 19.00 on 18th December 2023 at the Sports Pavilion, Bannister Way, West Malling , ME19 5SA. You will be asked to consider and vote on the resolutions below:


  1. To approve the following Special Resolution:


“THAT the Articles of Association of the Company be rescinded in their entirety and replaced with the version displayed on our website under AGM ”

  1. To receive a presentation of LGM CIC projects and activities to date presented by Nic Bowler the Chair of the Board of Directors of LGM CIC.

  1. To receive a presentation from Cameron McGuire the Regional Client Manager for Preim Ltd on what services they will offer the development in 2024 when they take over from DMG Estates as Estate manager of the community assets owned and managed by LGM CIC


  1. To recive a report on the year end Accounts for LGM CIC for the year 2022 and Directors Report.



By order of the Board


Registering to attend the AGM.


If you wish to attend the meeting, please complete an online registration by using the link below or scanning this QR code with your phone. If you do not have access to either there is a paper form at the end of this document which can be posted to the Sports Pavilion, Bannister Way, West Malling , ME19 5SA or sent via email to



If you wish to appoint a Proxy


As a Company Member you are entitled to appoint a Proxy to attend and cast your vote at the AGM. A Proxy does not need to be a Member of the Company but must attend the meeting to represent you. You can only appoint a Proxy using the procedures set out in the notes and by using the Proxy Form below. To assist the Proxy Form below provides the option to appoint the Company Secretary as your Proxy.


If you do not give your Proxy an indication on how to vote on any resolution, your Proxy may vote or abstain from voting at their discretion. 


Company Number:  6977866

A Company Limited by Guarantee

Registered in England




(“the Company/CIC”)




Before completing this form, please read the explanatory notes below 

I /We ...................................................................................................................... [INSERT FULL NAME[S] IN BLOCK CAPITALS]

being a member of the Company appoint the Company Secretary or (see note 3) 


as my/our proxy to attend, speak and vote on my/our behalf at the Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held at 19.00 on 18th  December 2023 at the Sports Pavilion, Bannister Way, West Malling , ME19 5SA and at any adjournment of the meeting.

I/We direct my/our proxy to vote on the following resolutions as I/we have indicated by marking the appropriate box with an 'X' (see note [6] below).

“THAT the Articles of Association of the Company be rescinded in their entirety and replaced with the version attached to this Resolution”

Receipt of Chair’s Update

Receipt of Preim Ltd presentation

Receipt of the 2022 Accounts and Directors Report


Signed by:




Company Member name:












Where two or more Members exist either Resident may complete the attached with the agreement of the other Resident.




1. As a member of the Company you are entitled to appoint a proxy or proxies to exercise all or any of your rights to attend, speak and vote at a general meeting of the Company. You can only appoint a proxy using the procedures set out in these notes.:

2. Appointment of a proxy does not preclude you from attending the meeting and voting in person. If you have appointed a proxy and attend the meeting in person and vote, your proxy appointment will automatically be terminated.


  1. A proxy does not need to be a member of the Company but must attend the meeting to represent you. If you wish to appoint a proxy other than the Company Secretary, delete "Company Secretary" and insert their full name in the space provided. If you leave this space blank, the Company Secretary will be appointed your proxy. Where you appoint as your proxy someone other than the Company Secretary, you are responsible for ensuring that they attend the meeting and are aware of your voting intentions.

  2. To direct your proxy how to vote on the resolutions mark the appropriate box with an "X". If no voting indication is given, your proxy will vote or abstain from voting at their discretion. Your proxy will vote (or abstain from voting) as they think fit in relation to any other matter which is put before the meeting, including a motion to adjourn.

  3. To appoint a proxy using this form, the form must be:

    1. Completed and signed by you or your attorney duly authorised in writing;

    2. Sent or delivered to the Company at Leybourne Grange Management Community Interest Company, Sports Pavilion, Bannister Way, West Malling , ME19 5SA; or

    3. Sent by attaching a scanned copy of the signed document to an email and sending it to Leybourne Grange Management Community interest company ; and

    4. Be received by the Company no later than 17.00 on 15th  December 2023.


Please return to 82 Hawley Drive, Leybourne, West Malling, ME19 5FL

Or email





1.  Question: Nic Bowler / Directors to clarify residents accessing the LGM CIC income account as written into the Articles of Association at an agreed time during Business Hours. 


Response: Residents will have access to the LGM CIC income accounts when they are filed at Companies House. The filing date for the accounts is scheduled for 30/09/23.


2.  Question: Nic Bowler / Directors to clarify whether LGM CIC can hold an EGM or General meeting if the AGM is likely to be postponed for much longer. 


Response: While we understand your concern, we are currently facing difficulties in getting a response from Homes England regarding their attendance at our AGM. To ensure that important matters are addressed, we plan to hold regular residents' meetings in the interim. These meetings will provide an opportunity to informally share items that would typically be discussed at an AGM, and you can ask any pertinent questions. We are working towards confirming the date of the first meeting, likely in late September.


3.  Question: Nic Bowler / Directors to provide the Development Strategy to Residents. 


Response: The Community Development Trust (CDT) business plan, outlining the initial strategy for the company, is presently under review and updating by community stewardship specialists. Once this process is complete, we will promptly share the plan with all residents. The review involves incorporating insights from the initial engagement survey and follow-up engagement groups conducted by Shoesmith and Smith, our communications consultants. Additional engagement events facilitated by the Stewardship Specialists will also play a crucial role in shaping the strategy.


4.  Question: Nic to confirm the amount of money that the Directors have to sign off on regarding CDM spending. 


Response: Expenditure in excess of £2,000 requires board approval. This is LGM CIC expenditure in respect of orders for work, goods and services. All other service charge spending is authorised when the budget is approved and any derogation from the budget is approved by directors. This figure aligns with that outline in our Financial Procedures Policy.


5.  Question: Nic Bowler / Directors to confirm who maintains the walled garden (aside from cutting the grass) as residents are under the impression this is all part of the development maintenance service charge – if it isn't, then why not? ​


Response: The walled garden is maintained concerning landscaping, which includes a weekly grass cut and weeding amongst some other tasks. Additionally, the community gardening project and its members has taken on responsibilities such as planting flowers, managing the kitchen garden, and addressing additional gardening requirements not managed by DMG. Presently, we do not employ a “gardener”. If you have any specific concerns about the walled garden, we encourage you to raise your concerns with DMG, who manage the contract.

6.  Question: As LGM CIC will not recognize ‘unofficial resident meetings’, Directors to look into setting up an ‘official committee’ to work alongside them to resolve issues and ensure that residents' voices are heard. 


Response: As previously mentioned, we are taking proactive steps to address residents' concerns. We will be organizing regular residents' meetings where we can informally discuss matters that would typically be addressed at AGMs. These meetings will provide a platform for you to raise relevant questions and ensure that your voices are heard. We are in the process of confirming the date for the first meeting, which is likely to take place in late September.


7.  Question: Residents are still awaiting a confirmed time, date, and venue for the AGM. 

Response: We sincerely apologize for the delay in confirming the AGM details. We are diligently working with our solicitors to find a solution that allows us to hold the AGM without Homes England's presence, if possible. Rest assured that our solicitors have been in communication with Homes England and have proposed potential options, including HE attending the AGM to agree to changing the articles of association and removing themselves as a member, thus eliminating the need for their presence in the future.


8.  Question: Nic Bowler / Directors to look into why Everest Ices was asked by the CDM to pay £200 month fee to be on the Chase when other ice cream vans are not – Everest Ices is keen to come back on and serve the Chase again. 


Response: Everest Ices was invited to pay for a regular pitch at Leybourne chase in the sum of £20 per month.  This offer was made in September 2019 when the roads to the development were private, as they still are prior to adoption. Payments for mobile vendors and food retailers, such as Pizza Revolution and previously, The Travelling Bean, are reserved for those requesting a fixed pitch. These fixed pitch vendors significantly contribute to the development's income, and their presence has proven to be beneficial. We will continue to push for any commercial enterprises who sell goods or services in or on community spaces to contribute to the income of the facilities and reduce the burden of the service charge on residents.

Autumn update

Autumn update from Leybourne Grange Management (LGM CIC)


Dear Resident,


We hope this letter finds you well. As the year comes to a close, we wanted to share some important updates with you regarding Leybourne Chase and our activities here.


Survey 2023

Thank you to those who participated in our survey earlier this year. The aim was to

get more direct feedback from Residents across a range of themes and issues. 


The resounding feedback from the survey was that improved communication in a timely manner is a priority. We have been reviewing how we can achieve this with the resources available and have decided on a course of action that we will explain in more detail below.  The second major theme throughout the feedback was the importance people place on the outside spaces here. We have used this feedback to inform how we move forward with the projects on site. 


Contract with estates management company 

Last year we made the decision to move away from Trinity to DMG to provide the estate management service to residents. We understand this has been a difficult year for DMG trying to obtain all the required information from Trinity, however, we recognise your frustrations with the site maintenance and believe there is a room for improvement in the service delivered to residents, including around communication and how that is provided. 

As a result, we have made the decision to transition to a larger, more established, estates management company, Preim, starting in January. Preim specialise in working with sites such as ours and after much research, gathering references and interviewing them, we believe this is a positive step forward for Leybourne Chase. 


Our main objectives behind moving are to obtain:


  • Better quality communications with Residents: welcome pack with contact numbers and emails, quarterly newsletters, monthly meetings with residents and an annual meeting with residents held by the Management company.

  • Portal access to allow all Residents to see the balance on their accounts and quarterly spend to budget reports for financial transparency.

  • Greater experience at managing sites with large open spaces which require tailored management regimes. 

  • Proven experience working with Resident Stewardship organisations which manage community assets.


Preim will also deliver a yearly resident meeting so that they can continue to offer this face-to-face contact with residents. This will be in addition to a weekly on-site presence and bookable appointments with the estate manager.


We understand this decision impacts all Residents and so we want to offer you the opportunity to meet the new estate management company before they start work on site in January. A meeting will be held on Wednesday the 13thDecember at 19:00 at the Community centre where Preim will introduce themselves, provide an overview of their experience and what they can offer Leybourne Chase and share their approach to enhancing our community living experience here on the Chase. Preim will also introduce you to their ways of working and explain how this will result in a better service experience for you.



A reminder that Trinity will remain appointed as estate management company in respect of management of the leasehold flat/apartment blocks. If you are in a flat, you will continue to receive your service charge in two parts: one for your block maintenance and the estate management charge.


Leasehold blocks fall outside of the Contract with LGM CIC so we are unable to intervene in this arrangement, however, if you are experiencing issues with your block management you may find this guide useful



Annual General Meeting


We have had the good news and can now announce that Homes England have finalised their handover of the site and we are able to schedule our first AGM. This will be held on Wednesday the 13th December at 19:00 at the Community centre. In advance of the meeting, you will be provided with access to a digital copy of our AGM pack outlining 2022 achievements, 2023 plans, and proposals for 2024. Our Accounts for the income from the community facilities will also be published in advance of the meeting.


The service charge accounts for 2022 will also be circulated shortly.


If you are unable to access a digital copy, please complete the slip attached and return it to the Community Centre or email us at and we will arrange for a hard copy to be sent to you.




Review of 2023 projects 



The remaining work to the Beadsman Crescent Park in phase 1 has been completed. As part of this enhancement, we've added an extra path to replace the muddy track that went round the park, making the outdoor pathways more accessible for everyone. Our aim is to continually improve the community experience, and we recognise that well-maintained pathways are a key aspect of that. As we look ahead, we anticipate the need for further investments in paths over the coming years. Your input is invaluable in identifying areas that would benefit from improvement work. If there is an area which you think would benefit from improvement work, please contact us with details so we can take your experiences on board when arranging future projects.


Kitchen garden 

Our kitchen garden project has successfully taken root in the walled garden, thanks to the dedication of a fantastic group of volunteers. Excitingly, the project is open to all! Whether you have a green thumb or are just curious, join us. Register your interest on our website or complete the attached form if you're not online. Your involvement will help cultivate a thriving community space and it is great for getting the kids out, meeting new people and socialising. The kitchen garden has won a couple of awards recently and we are hoping to use it as an example to obtain grant funding for similar ideas.


Walled garden 

Regrettably, the maintenance of the walled garden didn't meet our standards this year. We've taken immediate action by reviewing the contract and adjusting the maintenance regime. Subsequent improvements have been observed, but we're committed to ongoing monitoring to ensure the garden reaches its full potential. Your understanding and patience during this process are greatly appreciated as we work towards creating a beautifully maintained community space.



The grazing project has been surprisingly successful this year and we have successfully eliminated the Ragwort from the field the animals have been grazing in. Now, our focus shifts to controlling the thistle population—finding the right balance for a diverse habitat. Dexter, the steer, celebrated his first birthday by testing our boundaries and discovering he could wiggle through the fencing. Volunteers rallied to secure him, prompting swift fence repairs and the addition of barbed wire for extra security.


Trottiscliffe Community Farm is shifting its focus and will no longer oversee the care of the cows on our site. Recognising the joy these animals bring to many of you, we're actively exploring alternative partnerships to ensure the cows remain a cherished part of our community. We will keep you informed of any developments.


Dilapidated Pavilion 

The old pavilion in the field behind Valley Invicta Primary School had its asbestos roof removed to comply with health and safety legislation. As a result, it has been exposed to the elements and is in a state of disrepair. We faced a pivotal choice: either dismantle the structure at our cost or invest in restoration for communal use. Opting for the latter, the pavilion now stands as a promising community asset.


A care farm dedicated to working with children with learning difficulties has approached us. They express a keen interest in hiring part of the open space adjacent to the old pavilion to provide opportunities to for their service users to care for animals and develop skills in horticulture. This collaboration will not only cover the expenses incurred for the building's renovation but also ensures a sustainable revenue stream for the future, aligning perfectly with our commitment to fostering community assets and enriching our community fabric. We are excited about the potential positive impact this endeavor will have on both the pavilion and the lives of those benefitting from the care farm.



In addition to the exciting developments with the old pavilion, we are working on a plan to introduce allotments to our community. Allotments not only contribute to sustainable living but also offer an opportunity for community members to connect with nature and each other. We believe this project aligns with the vision of creating diverse and beneficial spaces within Leybourne Grange.

We are currently in the funding-seeking stage for the installation of these allotments and will keep you informed with the progress. 


Dog walking area 

We are actively seeking funding to establish a dedicated dog walking area within our community—an initiative aimed at providing a secure and enjoyable space for our furry friends and their owners. We will also work hard to retain paths around the open space by the old pavilion so that you can continue to enjoy walking around these areas.



This year we held the following events alongside our weekly playgroup at the Community Centre:


-        January Yoga and Pilates retreat 

-        Easter bunny hunt and celebrations

-        Easter holidays Bush craft 

-        Easter holidays Dinosaur soft play

-        Menopause information evening 

-        May half term Bushcraft 

-        May half term Pirates and Mermaids event 

-        June Yoga and Pilates retreat

-        LGRCD fundraising Quiz night 

-        October half term Bush craft 

-        Halloween ghost hunt 


We continue to invite you to share your ideas for events you would like to see happening at Leybourne Chase. If you would like to arrange your own community event or start a group, applications can be made for funding and support to help you get started. Please get in touch at




Your opinions matter! In the early part of next year, we will be circulating surveys to capture your views on current and future projects. Your insights are invaluable in shaping the direction of our community initiatives.


To further enhance engagement, we're planning a series of events to improve your knowledge and understanding of the facilities available. This effort aims to uncover ways these spaces can better adapt to meet your diverse interests and needs.

Your participation is key to making Leybourne Grange a community that resonates with each of you. Look out for survey invitations, and join us in these engaging events to contribute to the continued growth of our vibrant community.


Charter groups and Community funding 


As mentioned above we host a series of events throughout the year, but we are keen for you to  have the ability to drive the events and issues that are important to you. This year we will be launching the charter club fund; a small fund will be available to help with the establishment or running costs of a community group or event. Applications need to show the community value and how the group or event will achieve this objective, the proposal and grants will be issues quarterly throughout the year. For more information email



As we strive for continued growth and representation, we are seeking to amend our Articles to create additional seats for Directors. We aim to address this at the upcoming AGM. If you have an interest in contributing to the governance of Leybourne Grange, we encourage you to get in touch.

This will enable us to plan for the selection and training process, ensuring a seamless transition when these seats become available.




Yours faithfully,





The Directors of LGM CIC





Response to Questions from residents August 23

Answers to questions from residents 


1.  Question: Nic Bowler / Directors to clarify residents accessing the LGM CIC income account as written into the Articles of Association at an agreed time during Business Hours. 


Response: Residents will have access to the LGM CIC income accounts when they are filed at Companies House. The filing date for the accounts is scheduled for 30/09/23.


2.  Question: Nic Bowler / Directors to clarify whether LGM CIC can hold an EGM or General meeting if the AGM is likely to be postponed for much longer. 


Response: While we understand your concern, we are currently facing difficulties in getting a response from Homes England regarding their attendance at our AGM. To ensure that important matters are addressed, we plan to hold regular residents' meetings in the interim. These meetings will provide an opportunity to informally share items that would typically be discussed at an AGM, and you can ask any pertinent questions. We are working towards confirming the date of the first meeting, likely in late September.


3.  Question: Nic Bowler / Directors to provide the Development Strategy to Residents. 


Response: The Community Development Trust (CDT) business plan, outlining the initial strategy for the company, is presently under review and updating by community stewardship specialists. Once this process is complete, we will promptly share the plan with all residents. The review involves incorporating insights from the initial engagement survey and follow-up engagement groups conducted by Shoesmith and Smith, our communications consultants. Additional engagement events facilitated by the Stewardship Specialists will also play a crucial role in shaping the strategy.


4.  Question: Nic to confirm the amount of money that the Directors have to sign off on regarding CDM spending. 


Response: Expenditure in excess of £2,000 requires board approval. This is LGM CIC expenditure in respect of orders for work, goods and services. All other service charge spending is authorised when the budget is approved and any derogation from the budget is approved by directors. This figure aligns with that outline in our Financial Procedures Policy.


5.  Question: Nic Bowler / Directors to confirm who maintains the walled garden (aside from cutting the grass) as residents are under the impression this is all part of the development maintenance service charge – if it isn't, then why not? ​


Response: The walled garden is maintained concerning landscaping, which includes a weekly grass cut and weeding amongst some other tasks. Additionally, the community gardening project and its members has taken on responsibilities such as planting flowers, managing the kitchen garden, and addressing additional gardening requirements not managed by DMG. Presently, we do not employ a “gardener”. If you have any specific concerns about the walled garden, we encourage you to raise your concerns with DMG, who manage the contract.

6.  Question: As LGM CIC will not recognize ‘unofficial resident meetings’, Directors to look into setting up an ‘official committee’ to work alongside them to resolve issues and ensure that residents' voices are heard. 


Response: As previously mentioned, we are taking proactive steps to address residents' concerns. We will be organizing regular residents' meetings where we can informally discuss matters that would typically be addressed at AGMs. These meetings will provide a platform for you to raise relevant questions and ensure that your voices are heard. We are in the process of confirming the date for the first meeting, which is likely to take place in late September.


7.  Question: Residents are still awaiting a confirmed time, date, and venue for the AGM. 

Response: We sincerely apologize for the delay in confirming the AGM details. We are diligently working with our solicitors to find a solution that allows us to hold the AGM without Homes England's presence, if possible. Rest assured that our solicitors have been in communication with Homes England and have proposed potential options, including HE attending the AGM to agree to changing the articles of association and removing themselves as a member, thus eliminating the need for their presence in the future.


8.  Question: Nic Bowler / Directors to look into why Everest Ices was asked by the CDM to pay £200 month fee to be on the Chase when other ice cream vans are not – Everest Ices is keen to come back on and serve the Chase again. 


Response: Everest Ices was invited to pay for a regular pitch at Leybourne chase in the sum of £20 per month.  This offer was made in September 2019 when the roads to the development were private, as they still are prior to adoption. Payments for mobile vendors and food retailers, such as Pizza Revolution and previously, The Travelling Bean, are reserved for those requesting a fixed pitch. These fixed pitch vendors significantly contribute to the development's income, and their presence has proven to be beneficial. We will continue to push for any commercial enterprises who sell goods or services in or on community spaces to contribute to the income of the facilities and reduce the burden of the service charge on residents.




Summer update 2023

Summer update from Leybourne Grange Management (LGM CIC)


Dear Resident,



We hope this newsletter finds you well and that you have been enjoying the summer season at Leybourne Chase. As part of our recent focus on open and transparent communication, we are delighted to bring you the latest updates and important information from Leybourne Grange Management (LGM CIC).


Community facilities Survey: Last Chance to Have Your Say!


We want to thank everyone who has already participated in the Community Facilities Survey. Your feedback is invaluable in shaping the future of our community. If you haven't had a chance to complete the survey yet, we kindly request you to do so before the end of this month. We have engaged the services of Shoesmith and Smith to prepare the survey and consolidate the responses. Based on your input, as well as data from other sources such as engagement groups, we will develop a community engagement strategy to enhance our neighborhood's facilities.


Installation of Defibrillator at the Pavilion

We are pleased to share that Leybourne Parish has agreed to secure funding for the installation of a defibrillator on-site, which will be conveniently located at the Pavilion. Additionally, we have approached them regarding funding for the defibrillator's maintenance, and this matter will be considered in their upcoming meeting. This crucial addition to our community's safety infrastructure will provide peace of mind for all residents.


Annual General Meeting (AGM) Update


In our Autumn update we wrote the following to you:


We are eager to schedule our first Annual general meeting and had hoped to have held it by this point, whilst our accounts would not have been presented at a meeting this year it would have given an opportunity to touch base with many of you. Unfortunately, we are unable to schedule the AGM while we wait for Homes England to finalise their handover which is now well overdue. So that we can offer some reassurance that we will have the opportunity to meet with you we have set the date for the 2023 meeting.


Our Accounts will be prepared in the Spring of 2023 and the service charge accounts will be finalised by June. The 2023 AGM will be held on Friday 30th June where both LGM CIC Accounts and the service charge accounts can be presented. This will also be posted to Residents in the usual way.


Despite our legal team chasing Homes England since this time with our proposed date, they are yet to confirm their attendance at the AGM. In the event they do not attend, the meeting would not be considered quorate under our current Articles, and no business could be conducted. To address this challenge, our legal team is exploring alternative solutions, such as proxy voting or obtaining Homes England's agreement to withdraw as Members of the company. We will keep you informed once we receive advice from the solicitors, allowing us to move forward with the AGM.


Once we have confirmation of a suitable solution from the solicitors, we will agree the AGM date and time. We will then send a notice to each household. Due to safety regulations and our building's maximum occupancy numbers, we may need to host the AGM off-site. The decision on the venue will depend on the number of household representatives who express their intention to attend. We understand that meeting face-to-face is valuable, and we will do our best to accommodate as many attendees as possible while ensuring everyone's safety and adhering to the regulations in place. Therefore, we kindly request that the named member representing your household confirms their attendance.


Our Directors and Opportunities to Join the Board


We have heard the desire expressed to see board representation from across the development. In light of this, we are actively seeking residents from different areas of the site who are interested in contributing to the management of our community. If you are passionate about improving where you live or have valuable skills to offer, we encourage you to put yourself forward for these roles. 


Trudi and Stephen, two of our longest standing resident Directors have made the decision to step down this month to pursue other interests. Trudi will continue to volunteer across various community projects alongside her fulltime job and Stephen will be enjoying his retirement and time with his family. We welcome Nic and Jon in their place. Nic is relatively new to the development and keen to get involved in the running of the organsiation with a particular interest in improving our communication strategy. Jon joins us from a background in community work and is looking forward to reviewing the results of the survey, using this to inform how we serve the community.


We are pleased to announce that Nic has been appointed as the Chair of the Board. Nic and Jon join David and Greg who are already serving as Directors. Together, they form a committed team dedicated to the betterment of Leybourne Chase. However, we strive to engage and be inclusive, Therefore, we encourage all residents who are passionate about our community and have ideas for improvement to step forward and join us in shaping the future of Leybourne Chase.

If you are interested in becoming part of the team or have any questions, please reach out to us at We welcome your involvement and look forward to working together to make our community an even better place to live.


Exciting News: New Leybourne Youth Football Club


Leybourne FC has made the decision to relocate to new facilities at Peters village, and with this transition comes a fresh start. As a result, the club will no longer be called LFC. However, we are absolutely delighted to announce the birth of Leybourne Youth Football Club! Leybourne Youth Football Club has been created to ensure that those who have a passion for the sport can continue playing locally. We believe in fostering a sense of camaraderie, teamwork, and sportsmanship within our community, and Leybourne Youth will be at the heart of this initiative.


To support Leybourne Youth, we will be organizing a fundraiser on 22nd July. We invite all residents to pop along and participate in this exciting event. Let's come together to cheer on our young athletes and celebrate the spirit of youth sports in Leybourne Chase.


Upcoming events: Mark your calendars for these upcoming events:

Quiz and Fizz – 8th July:                

Join us for an evening of fun and friendly competition at the Quiz and Fizz event hosted by LGM CIC. Not only                   will it be an enjoyable evening, but it will also contribute to supporting LGRCD (Leybourne Grange Riding Centre                 for the Disabled).


Football Fun Day – 22nd July:      

Come and be part of the Football Fun Day, organized jointly by Leybourne Youth and LGM CIC. This event                           aims to raise funds for Leybourne Youth, the new Leybourne football team. It promises to be a day filled                                  with exciting matches and community spirit.


Yours faithfully,




David, Greg, Jon and Nic


On behalf of LGM CIC





Leybourne Chase Community Facilities Survey 2023




Scan me with your phone to open the survey.


Or type the below into your phone, laptop or computer:


June 2023 response to questions

  1. What exactly are the Articles of Association in the process of being changed to include?


The Articles of Association are currently undergoing changes to incorporate certain provisions. The amended articles will be presented to the Members for approval, along with a summary of the modifications. However, before we can schedule a meeting, we need to obtain agreement from the other members to attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) or make arrangements for a proxy vote or a similar mechanism. Our legal representatives have been in contact with them since 2021, addressing these matters and following up on their responses.


The current update does not include a change to allow non-resident directors and there is no intention or want for this to ever be the case. However, in the future, such an update may be necessary to enhance the organisation's viability. Currently, we are struggling to recruit residents as directors. It is crucial for the organisation to have the minimum required number of Directors in order to operate effectively. Without a sufficient number of Directors, the facilities would be forced to close, resulting in a loss of income. Therefore, if more residents do not volunteer to serve as Directors in the near future, it is likely that we will need to consider amending the articles to include non-resident directors and compensate them for their time.  


An alternative option would be to enforce a requirement for residents to become Directors. However, this approach could potentially have a negative impact on individuals' ability to sell their property. Prospective buyers may be hesitant to purchase a property if they are aware that there are provisions in place to compel residents to become Directors.


In the meantime, we continue to encourage anyone interested in becoming a Director to reach out to us. It is our intention to involve as many residents as possible in the governance of the organisation while we await the update of the articles.



2. What is the process of becoming a Director and why does it not involve member ‘vote in’?


Becoming a Director of LGM CIC involves a structured process. Member vote for appointment is not required where there are open seats and we do not have multiple residents expressing an interest that exceeds our quota. The process begins by expressing interest to the Community Development Manager (CDM), who serves as the primary point of contact. The CDM will provide detailed information and guidance to prospective Directors. It is important to note that the selection of Directors is not solely at the discretion of the CDM. Instead, the residents of LGM CIC have control over the appointment of Directors, as they volunteer themselves for the role.


In situations where the number of applicants exceeds the available Director seats, temporary measures such as shadow seats may be implemented. These shadow seats serve as interim positions until the articles of association are amended to accommodate an increased number of resident board seats. If we are ever in a position where there are more people wanting to become directors than seats available (or the number of shadow seats has become unmanageable), one solution would be to set up a vote.


It is important to note that residents who are appointed as Directors are expected to attend quarterly meetings and undergo approximately 12 hours of training. This position is unpaid.


3. What is being done to alleviate growing anger and dissatisfaction amongst residents towards the LGM CIC/CDM, caused by a complete lack of consultation or proper (two-way) engagement?   


We understand that there may be some residents who have expressed dissatisfaction with LGM CIC or the CDM, but it is important to note that this represents less than 3% of households. Nonetheless, we are actively taking steps to improve consultation and meaningful engagement with residents in order to address their concerns.


A significant avenue for residents to actively participate in shaping the development's future direction is through Resident Directorships, which allow for direct involvement in the organisation's management. It is important to clarify that day-to-day management responsibilities do not fall under the purview of residents (members), and there are certain decisions in which members cannot be directly involved.


In order to ensure transparency and accountability, an Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held annually, where the income accounts are published on Companies House and the service charge accounts are presented by the management company. These reporting procedures were explicitly outlined in the covenants and articles at the time of property purchase.


In May, a survey was distributed to all service users, providing an opportunity for input and influence regarding future investments in the site. This survey is not limited to residents alone, as the facilities benefit the broader community as well. This inclusive approach aligns with the planning requirements that we are bound to, as conveyed during the property purchase process, emphasising that the funding for community facilities would be exclusively covered by residents through the service charge. To support the ongoing operational costs of the facilities, we have initiated discussions with the Parish council to seek additional funding.


Residents have the option to schedule meetings with the Estate Manager, Simon, on most Wednesday afternoons. Additionally, small group meetings continue to be offered to residents, aiming to provide a valuable forum for discussion. While we apologise if these meetings have not met your expectations, it is important to acknowledge that many residents have found them to be beneficial in addressing their concerns.



4. What percentage/amount of the LGM CIC income is going to be used to offset the service charge residents pay AND what is the £100,000 due to be returned by Trinity in June going to be spent/used on?


We do not have information regarding a sum of £100,000 from Trinity. Trinity has not yet provided the final breakdown of the service charge accounts for 2022. Once the accounts are finalised, it will be determined if there is any positive balance to be returned to DMG.


For the year 2022, we anticipate that £16,500 of income will be returned to offset the service charge. This is in addition to £53,000 income allocated to fund the replacement of the playpark in Beadsman Crescent, which failed its health and safety inspection. The replacement of the playpark is a requirement under the planning obligations that we are obligated to fulfil. The total income allocated for these purposes in 2022 amounts to £69,500.


If residents are interested in participating in the day-to-day management of the company, the recommended avenue is to become a director. Our organisation is not structured as a rule by committee. If members do not become directors, their involvement is primarily limited to the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Member approval is only reserved for specific decisions as outlined in the Articles of Association.


The investment made in the site is driven by the specific requirements of the facilities. The increase in income is a direct outcome of strategic investments made in the buildings, aimed at ensuring their suitability for use and enhancing their appeal as rental venues. This investment was particularly crucial to capitalise on income opportunities, considering the financial losses incurred due to the restrictive measures imposed during the Covid-19 pandemic. It is important to note that a reduction in income, which may consequently lead to a reduction in community services, could potentially have a negative impact on property prices. The availability and quality of community services often contribute to the desirability and value of properties. Therefore, any significant decrease in community services could potentially affect property prices in an adverse manner.


Leasehold properties have always been governed by a separate contractual agreement and are not within the jurisdiction of LGM CIC. Initially, the developer appointed Trinity to manage both the freehold and leasehold properties. However, due to concerns related to the management of service charge funds, LGM CIC made the decision to terminate its partnership with Trinity for the freehold elements that were within our control. In cases where Trinity has not reduced their fees for the leasehold properties, it is advisable for leaseholders to address this matter directly with Trinity. To address concerns with the leasehold management company, leaseholders are encouraged to consider organising themselves into a Residents Association. By collectively working together, leaseholders can more effectively address and manage their concerns. DMG has expressed a willingness to explore assuming responsibility for the leasehold properties, however, it is important for all leaseholders to reach a consensus and have a clear understanding of the process and implications involved. Any decision to transfer management responsibilities should be carefully considered, taking into account the legal and practical implications for all parties involved.



5. Why is the Board unwilling to justify the increases in the LGM CIC fee that makes up the second biggest expense to residents on the Service charge?


The provision of high-quality facilities necessitates the employment of dedicated staff members who are responsible for their day-to-day operations. As the output and usage of these facilities have increased over time, the associated staff costs have naturally risen in alignment with the demands placed upon them.


To ensure fairness and equity, salary reviews were conducted in accordance with industry standards and in comparison to similar positions with equivalent roles and responsibilities. The objective was to establish competitive and appropriate compensation for our staff members, thus attracting and retaining talented individuals who play a crucial role in enhancing the facilities at Leybourne Chase.


The Board has complete confidence in the capabilities and dedication of our staff, and we would like to express our gratitude for their tireless efforts in improving and maintaining the facilities. Their commitment contributes significantly to the overall experience and satisfaction of the residents in Leybourne Chase.



6. What research has been undertaken by the LGM CIC to ensure that the proposal of de-parishing from Leybourne Parish Council is in the best interest for Leybourne Chase residents?

LGM CIC has acknowledged the concerns expressed by residents of Leybourne Chase regarding the dual charges they face due to their current parish obligations. It is important to note that the decision to de-parish from Leybourne Parish Council ultimately lies with the residents themselves, and it is not within the remit of LGM CIC or the CDM to make this determination.

In response to residents' frustrations, LGM CIC has provided a platform for residents to voice their opinions and concerns. This feedback will be conveyed to the Borough council on behalf of the residents. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the de-parishing process and explore alternative options, we recommend referring to the government-issued white paper that outlines the concept and provides information on available choices and the associated procedures. This white paper was shared with the original post seeking residents' input on this matter.

It is important to highlight that residents of Leybourne Chase contribute a significant amount to the parish precept. The recently elected parish council, as of May 2023, will be reviewing the contributions that can be offered to Leybourne Chase and exploring ways to collaborate more closely with us to better meet the needs of the residents. This review aims to address the concerns raised and seek mutually beneficial solutions.



7. What is being done about the rising number of complaints you are receiving against the Community Development Manager’s misconduct and pattern of aggression towards residents?


We understand your concerns regarding the complaints made against the Community Development Manager (CDM). However, we must provide an objective response based on the information available to us.


We do not agree with the characterisation of the CDM's behaviour as misconduct or displaying a pattern of aggression towards residents. Our assessment has shown that the CDM has been working diligently despite facing significant hostility from some residents.


All complaints received have been duly addressed. Where necessary, we have sought external HR and legal services for advice and independent investigation. After careful evaluation, of each complaint, none have been upheld. We aim to ensure that all communication channels promote courteous behaviour, and any posts or emails containing gifs or attempts to offend the CDM have been deemed irrelevant and subsequently removed.



To close the Open Letter, a list of requests residents raised was provided. There was a demand that these are voted on at the upcoming AGM. These are listed below along with responses.


In order to propose the items as resolutions for the upcoming AGM, it is necessary to have the required number of signatures from members (majority). Please ensure that each signature includes the name and address of the member. Once you have collected the signatures and prepared the proposed resolutions, kindly submit them to us for review. It is important to note that only one member per household is eligible to vote on behalf of their household. 


Preliminary responses to the requests raised during the meeting are as follows:


1) 50% of LGM CIC income to be used to offset resident service fees every year without exception:


This request may potentially breach the block on dividends within the articles. We will consult our lawyers to review the articles and provide advice accordingly. However, LGM CIC can and aims to use income to offset the service charge costs but the amount must vary each year based on circumstance.


2) Any projects or expenditures amounting to more than £10,000 should involve a period of resident consultation before going ahead:


This request goes against the current setup of the organisation. Implementing such consultation would be costly and time-consuming, potentially delaying necessary works on site. Residents who wish to have a greater involvement in approving expenditures are encouraged to volunteer as resident directors.


3) CDM salary to be capped and reviewed due to current inflated status:


The salary of the CDM is not within the remit of the Members. Residents who wish to have a greater involvement in salary decisions and approving expenditure are encouraged to volunteer as resident directors.


4) LGM CIC Board seats only to be open to residents:


To clarify, the stability of the organisation is a priority, and there is no intention to change the Articles of Association to allow non-resident directors unless it becomes absolutely necessary (we hope this never is the case). The focus is on encouraging more residents to step up and volunteer as directors. In the unlikely event that the organisation does not have the minimum required number of directors and residents are not coming forward to fill those positions, we may be forced to consider temporarily seeking the services of non-resident directors. Any such necessary steps would require approval from the members.


5) Current and future Directors to be voted in or out by members - not just by the Board:


Voting for directors will be required once the number of directors exceeds the available seats or the ability to facilitate as shadow directors. Residents are encouraged to express their interest in becoming directors.


6) Minutes of all Directors meetings to be published on the LGM CIC website (with redacted information where necessary to protect sensitive or personal data):

We aim to publish future minutes and may also consider adding past minutes with redacted information for data protection purposes.


7) LGM CIC full income accounts to be published and sent out to residents along with the service charge budgets each year:


The requirement to publish income accounts has already been in place, and they will be prepared and filed at Companies House by September each year. Residents and the public can access these accounts once published.


8) Bigger concessions offered to residents wishing to hire the LGM CIC facilities:


Our facilities are very popular. Providing bigger concessions for residents may impact the income generated by the facilities providing less available money to reinvest or use to offset service charges (as is the plan going forward). It is important to balance revenue generation with the needs of the community.

We are writing further to our letter earlier this year to update you on a few projects which are underway.


Autumn  2022 Update

Autumn update from Leybourne Grange Management (LGM CIC)


Dear Resident,



We are writing further to our letter earlier this year to update you on a few projects which are underway.


Contract with estates management company 


Following feedback and concerns raised by many of you we have undertaken a review of our contract with Trinity, our current estates Management company. Over the last 6 months we have interviewed alternative providers. Our objective was to identify a provider who would be able to provide more effective customer service, attentive management of our site and a transparent budgeting and accounting process.


We have selected a new provider to take over the contract from the new year. They are a small local Management company, and their selling point was that they would offer consistent staffing with an on-site presence and a personable customer service for residents. 


Trinity will remain appointed as estate management company in respect of management of the blocks. If you are in a flat, you will receive your service charge in two parts one for your block maintenance and one for the estate.


The 2023 Service charge budget will be released in December. We have worked hard to ensure that there is no increase to the budget this year as well as undertaking several projects to ensure the community facilities earn more money so they can cover the costs of future improvement works.


Annual General Meeting


We are eager to schedule our first Annual general meeting and had hoped to have held it by this point, whilst our accounts would not have been presented at a meeting this year it would have given an opportunity to touch base with many of you. Unfortunately, we are unable to schedule the AGM while we wait for Homes England to finalise their handover which is now well overdue. So that we can offer some reassurance that we will have the opportunity to meet with you we have set the date for the 2023 meeting. 


Our Accounts will be prepared in the Spring of 2023 and the service charge accounts will be finalised by June. The 2023 AGM will be held on Friday 30th June where both LGM CIC Accounts and the service charge accounts can be presented. This will also be posted to Residents in the usual way.



Community coffee 


We have had a fantastic relationship with Little travelling bean the past 2 years we know many of you have enjoyed supporting them at their pitch at the chase. We are sorry to see them leave while they resume their travels but hope that they might visit the site again on their return. 


The popularity of the coffee van has demonstrated what an asset a coffee shop would be to our community and fortuitously we have been approached by another small local startup who are looking for a home. Average Doughs bakery is owned by Lucia and George, they will be opening a bakery and coffee shop in the small Pavilion Hall and kitchen space, all being well this will be open in December. This addition will also mean we are able to reduce the utility costs associated with running the Pavilion as well as securing some much-needed income in the face of rising costs.




In November two more cows joined the existing two to help with the grazing initiative.  There will be a Quiz night on 2nd December to raise money for the Trottiscliffe community farm who we have partnered with on this project. The event aims to support the animals which is particularly needed this year with feed and hay prices rising. If you would like tickets to attend, please email


Community facilities 


The Community centre required some investment to improve its usability and enable us to pursue the long-term goal for the hire income to cover the running costs of the building. 


We have used some of our accumulated income from hire to make these improvements. 

We have created a larger room which has enabled us to move some hirers from the sports hall to save on heating costs and attract additional hirers to maximise the income potential from all the rooms rather than hire being focused on the large hall as it was previously. 


If you are not familiar with the community centre we had two small awkward sized rooms, a very small kitchen and office and a sports hall. By removing our small office, we were able to increase the size of one of the smaller rooms to create a more hirable space and we have already received requests for regular bookings.  Our office is now located within the second smaller room along with a hot desk space which can be offered to residents for free. Bookings can be made by emailing or through our Facebook page.


We have also undertaken an update of the Pavilion pump room to reduce the maintenance and running costs and hope to see the benefit of these reductions in the upcoming year.


We have included a timetable for both the Community centre and Pavilion, as always, your support of the classes is greatly appreciated by these small businesses.


The Pavilion and Community centre continue to be available for party hire. We have taken additional feedback on board and going forward a 10% discount will be available for Residents.





This year we held an easter bunny hunt, platinum jubilee party, launch of the new play park and Halloween ghost hunt. We will be planting a Christmas tree at the Pavilion and switching on the lights alongside the Vibe market on Sunday 11th December, West Malling Scouts will be joining us for the celebration to do a little fundraising so please do come along and join us. The Vibe market will be on 12-4 and the Festive celebrations will be held 3-5.


Average doughs bakery and coffee shop will be offering free babychinos and gingerbread decorating. 


We hope to hold a similar timetable of events in 2023 and have the Coronation of King Charles to look forward to in May. If you would like to take part in organising this or other events please get in touch by emailing





We will be circulating some surveys in the early part of next year so we can gauge your views on current and future projects. There will also be a series of engagement events to improve knowledge and understanding of what facilities are available for to use and how they can be better adapted to meet more of your needs. Please complete the contact form attached to ensure we can keep you updated. There is also a Whatsapp group for announcements which can be joined by scanning the QR code.




Ben Clark has joined the board in place of Neil and Laura. We are seeking to amend our Articles to allow us to create some additional seats for Directors but are unable to do this until we can finalise the handover with Homes England and hold our AGM. We continue to ask anyone who might be interested in coming on board to make contact so we can begin the process of training and selection ready for when these seats become available.


Yours faithfully,


Ben, Trudi, Stephen and David 

On behalf of LGM CIC

June 2022 Letter

Hello from the new Directors


Dear Resident,


It is with great pleasure that we write to you to introduce ourselves as the new Directors of LGM CIC. Over the coming months you can expect to hear from us more about the work we will be beginning on behalf of the development, but for now we wanted to let you know who we are. We are each passionate about Leybourne Chase being a fantastic place to both live and visit and are excited to work with you all to make our estate the best it can possibly be. We know we have a lot to do and many important issues to address and are looking forward to receiving your input on what those are and what you would like to see happen in our community.


You may have heard about Leybourne Grange Management CIC when you bought your property or you might have seen references to LGM CIC or the CDT in the time that you have lived here. In the past it was thought we would have two organisations to deal with various aspects of managing the site but we recognise that this would involve too much duplication of costs so the CDT functions have been absorbed by LGM CIC. Wherever you read CDT you can interchange it with LGM CIC.


LGM CIC was incorporated by Taylor Wimpey as part of the development agreement with Homes England the Land Owner in order for an organisation to be put in place that could own and manage the estate in the long term. At the beginning of this year the control of the board of Directors of LGM CIC was handed over from Taylor Wimpey appointed Directors to a handful of resident Directors, which you are invited to join.


Over the next few weeks we will be undertaking training to get us each fully prepared for our role whilst getting up to speed with the history of the site and where we are now, as well as undertaking a thorough review of existing vendor relationships, budget and projects. Mindful that many of you will be away in July and August, we will begin a resident engagement process in September to ensure you are involved along each step of the way. This will involve an Annual Group Meeting held in the Pavilion in the autumn, which you will be invited to, as well as several engagement events to provide you with the opportunity to find out more about the current Directors and what we hope to bring to our roles. 


An important next step is to ensure we can invite you to these activities as well as keeping you updated about ongoing and new projects across the estate. As such, we are asking each household to please complete and return the Contact Form, found at the end of this letter. This will allow us to share information with you more easily and move away from paper based communications where appropriate.


Additionally, we are still looking for another member of the community to join the board of Directors to represent our development. If you are interested, please do get in touch with us for more information. 


It has taken a long time to get to this point and we are hopeful that under a new leadership you will feel a greater degree of control over the development and its future. We are putting significant efforts into improving communication and ensuring that we offer engagement opportunities for you to participate in the process. We have a very small team of staff on site but if you have feedback on how we might improve this or a specific way you would like to get involved then we would appreciate you getting in touch.


We look forward to working with you all and bringing the change we know you are keen to see.


Yours faithfully,


Neil, Trudi, Stephen, David and Laura

On behalf of LGM CIC


A bit more about us…



I currently work as Head of Estates within the education sector and am hoping to support LGM CIC with my knowledge of facilities & building maintenance, health & safety compliance and contract management.



I work in Financial services and have lived on the development for 6 years. I am keen to help the organisation find further ways to bring our community together through events and community projects. I am keen to see us adopt management strategies which will lower our carbon footprint and increase biodiversity.



I am a retired business man. I was keen to become involved with the management of the organisation to ensure it is effectively run and on track to ensure our assets are well maintained for future generations to come. I want to use my entrepreneurial experience to ensure that we develop our facilities to ensure they bring maximum value to the members of our community so we all may derive value from them.



I am a Project Director, specialising in communication and events, as well as a full time Mum to our two beautiful boys. I am keen to develop a clear and open communication strategy to allow for the two way engagement of residents and Directors. Having lived on the development for 5 years (how time flies!) I am really excited to see some of the changes that LGM CIC are passionate to bring to our community. 



I am passionate about bringing the best attitude and outlook to family, work, and life. I incorporate an ethos of continuous improvement within my day job as Manager of a hospitality, events and sports venue to ensure that we improve the business in as many ways as possible for everyone who visits us. I intend to bring the same attitude and energy to my role as Director to ensure our community facilities and community spirit are as good as they can be.

February 2021

An update from Leybourne Grange Management Community Interest Company (LGMCIC)


Dear Resident,

2021 Budget

We are taking this opportunity to write to you all again following our initial letter in the Summer.

You will have recently received the 2021 Budget from Trinity for the upcoming year. The year end accounts for 2020 will be sent out in the summer.

Since our last communication we have worked closely with Trinity to improve the smooth running of the development and the costs associated with doing so. This includes the re-tendering of all major contracts to ensure the most competitive prices have been obtained for the services delivered on site. The re-tendering process has resulted in savings being obtained on the overall budget and we hope Residents will agree this is a move in the right direction.


Now that the growing season is behind us, the landscape team are making great progress across the site as they undertake the more substantial works on the land itself which they dont have the opportunity to do in the growing months.

The bramble growth in the arboretum will continue to be reduced and reshaped so that we can enjoy and appreciate the very special selection of trees which have been nurtured over the last few hundred years to create this fantastic space.

Replanting has taken place across some of the communal areas around apartment blocks where planting has failed or been damaged. Further planting will also be scheduled in the walled garden as we cultivate more varied and established beds throughout the garden.

A significant amount of tree works have been required this year which is due to the sheer number of the trees and the maturity of the woodland. The works carried out will be to ensure the health of the trees, and trees will only be removed or reduced when they are dead or diseased. All of our trees our protected by a tree protection order, so replanting will be required for those trees that are removed under the terms of the tree protection order.

Community Facilities

The Community centre, Pavilion and pitches were initially able to re-open following the first lockdown and to a lesser extent following the second. A number of small, local businesses are running children's dance classes, theatre and drama schools, baby groups and antenatal and postnatal courses. Please do support local wherever possible and help these groups through this difficult time so they are still here to offer the variety of groups to our community in the future.

We will make an announcement when the adult classes resume and in the same spirit ask anyone interested in trying Pilates, Yoga, Powerwave, Circuits, Guitar classes or Badminton to support these fantastic businesses.

When Covid restrictions are lifted we look forward to welcoming Residents back to hiring the community centre or pavilion for party hire subject to availability.

Upcoming Projects

Work began last year to the Community garden at the rear of the Community centre and we hope to launch the opening of the garden this year when we are able to meet with you all safely. Anyone interested in contributing to the garden would be greatly welcome as we are always looking for volunteers. You dont need to know anything about gardening and any contribution of time would be appreciated.

A support group for parents and carers of children with suspected or diagnosed additional needs will be being launched in the New year. If this is something of interest to you please get in touch to join the mailing list at

Finally we will be installing a music garden in the Arboretum which will be a space for everyone to come and have some fun now we are all spending much more time outside! Watch out for further announcements on the launch date.

Shadow Board of Directors

As Taylor Wimpey ramp up the preparations to hand over control of the Board of LGM CIC, those Residents interested in becoming Directors of LGM CIC will begin their training in the new year in preparation for the handover. We will be writing to you next year to introduce the future Board.

Yours faithfully


Summary of 2021 and Budget for 2022

Review of 2021 and Budget for 2022

The past year we have been working more closely with Trinity and Taylor Wimpey as we prepared for the land transfer. The most recent task has been to set the budget for 2022.

Summary of increases in 2022 Budget


We reduced the budget for landscaping in 2021 but less frequent cuts combined with an unseasonably wet summer meant the development looked less tidy than was desirable in some areas when growth was accelerated. We have also found that as areas of the development are maturing more intensive maintenance is required. The Landscaping budget has been increased this coming year in order to increase the scope and frequency of landscaping works which should translate into areas looking better kept and remaining accessible in the height of the growing season.

A new contractor has been appointed to maintain the football pitches. A saving has been obtained by switching to a new contractor. We hope to see further improvement to the pitches as they continue to settle into a frequent maintenance regime.

Enhanced provision within the landscaping budget has also been made for replanting , tree works, green waste disposal , refuse collection and ecological projects to reflect the increased needs of the site as it matures.


We have asked for an additional sink fund to be created for Drainage so that funds can accumulate for any future works o the surface water drainage systems. Work should not be required for some years but it is important to set money aside ready for this time.

Pavilion pump room maintenance and gas charges

Although this line on the budget hasn't increased we are aware this is a line which catches the eye as the amounts seem high. We have been provided with a comprehensive water heating system in the pavilion to service the changing rooms but this is costly to heat and service. We are looking to re configure the system to reduce the overall costs of maintenance and gas charges in heating the system.

Private roadway sinking fund

This sink fund has been increased to ensure we are adequately reserving for the areas of roadway and car parks that will be the responsibility of LGM CIC and not adopted by KCC. This includes Derby Drive, Communal parking areas around blocks, the Community centre and Pavilion car parks as well as the grass block areas.

Play area maintenance

The play park sink fund and play park general repairs have both been increased to ensure we are adequately reserving for future costs of repairs and replacement to the equipment as they reach the end of their life cycle over the coming years. It is important to ensure not only that the play areas are safe but they continue to be attractive places which enhance the development. They are a great asset which is a draw for many people choosing to move here and continues to make leybourne chase an attractive place to live.

Staff costs

The Community development manager and Administrator are now employed directly by LGM CIC which has resulted in increased costs in respect of pension contributions , tax and payroll administration. The salaries for both roles have been benchmarked against similar roles to ensure rates are competitive and in line with the market rates.

General Summary

The bottom line is that the budget is increasing this year but we want you to understand that this increase has been given significant consideration. Increasing the maintenance budget allows us to deliver enhanced maintenance and better results. If Leybourne chase is to maintain its many attractive features it will need this continued care and attention as it continues to mature.

If there are areas of the development you would like to know more about or want to understand what influences a particular management regime please reach out to ask questions or share your views on shaping the future vision by emailing

Yours Faithfully

The Board of LGM CIC

January 2022


Important Information for Leybourne Chase Residents

Dear Resident,


As you may recall we have been waiting some time for the transfer of ownership of the land from Homes England to Leybourne Grange Management Community interest company (LGM CIC).

We are pleased to announce that the land transfer completed in December 2021 and LGM CIC now own, operate and manage the community facilities at Leybourne chase. The handover of the Board has also now completed, passing control from Taylor Wimpey to 7 Resident Directors. 

What does this mean for you?

When you purchased your property you completed an application to become a Member of LGM CIC so this has now taken effect and you have now been added to the Register of Members to reflect your membership status. 

When you sell your property your future purchaser will be required to enter into the same agreement by completing an application for membership of LGM CIC and a Deed of covenant to adhere to the covenants which regulate the development. Please direct any resales enquiries regarding LGM CIC to Leasehold resale enquiries will still be dealt with by Trinity at

What is Trinity’s role?

Trinity are appointed on our behalf to collect the service charge and carry out the estates management functions across the site.

If you live in a leasehold property there is a separate agreement with Trinity between Trinity and the Freeholder of your property. You will pay your service charge in two parts from 2022. One part will be in respect of the charges associated with your block and the second will be for the management and maintenance of the community facilities.

The Management of LGM CIC 

Over the last several years we have sought volunteers from the community to come forward to become Directors of LGM CIC. Over the last 6 months these individuals have been trained in preparation for the handover and we now have 7 Residents who will sit on the board. If you are interested in finding out more about becoming a Director yourself in the future please get in touch at

We will hold an AGM once a year where you will be able to find out more about the organisation , the work we do for the community and how we intend to manage the facilities. We expect the AGM for 2022 will be held in the summer but a further announcement will follow in due course.

Projects for 2022

We have a busy year ahead as the site continues to mature and settle down now that the building work is nearly complete. The Manor house should see its final units completed by the end of 2022 when Taylor Wimpey will be leaving the site.

Roads are due to be adopted piecemeal starting at the A20 entrance down through the development in line with the phases as they were built. As the roads are adopted the responsibility for the upkeep and any parking issues will sit with KCC Highways team. Please feel free to notify us at the mail box or Trinity via fix flow of any issues but they will ultimately need to be directed to KCC to resolve.

The Walled garden is in need of some investment to improve the beds, planting and pathway. We hope to create a special place that acknowledges the grand history of the site and makes you all feel proud. The hope is to have the first phase of this work complete in late Spring and we look forward to welcoming you to the unveiling.

We are working to restore the historic grandeur of the Northern parkland which is the u shaped field over in phase 5. By opening up the space and improving the grassland with a more regular amenity cut that will enable you to access more of the parkland and we hope you enjoy the space and its history.

Clearance of the Arboretum will also continue and we are now in the third year of works to remove the self seeded weeds, this process creates healthy openings in the tree canopy. We will be installing information boards though the site along with various information events so that you can find out more about the history of the trees and why we are so fortunate to have our own Arboretum. Where brambles are being removed along the edges of the Arboretum we will be improving the understory planting which will offer greater resource to wildlife, will improve the aesthetics and ensure a more diverse and healthy woodland.

General health and safety tree works are also entering their third year and we are working well through the action points from our last assessment. A bespoke woodland management plan is being drawn up for the site which will be approved by the Forestry commission. This will set the schedule of works required to ensure the health of our current stock of trees, identify areas for re planting to ensure we are adequately planning for the future and will manage the coppicing works to be carried out to the sweet chestnut woodland.

Ecology projects continue to take place. We will be conducting a survey this year to all known habitats on site which will determine the success of current measures and inform future management. We hope to install trail cameras in several of the habitats so you can see the wildlife and gain greater understanding of the ecology projects we have in place.

The Community buildings 

Income continues to improve as we recover from the disruption of COVID. There is a real variety of classes and we would ask as many of you to support the groups which do run here as they ultimately provide income which feeds back into the site as well as supporting some fantastic local businesses. Income from the hire facilities will be used to offset some of the service charge and reinvest into the site for future improvement works. Our timetable does change from time to time but a copy is attached.

We have made some changes to the Pavilion which will increase its potential for use. The space was heavily dominated by changing rooms but we have removed some of these to create an additional hall which will generate further income. 

Many of you have had a direct impact on the success of both,  Little Travelling Bean and Pizza Revolution.  Olivia, Aaron and Ian are appreciative of your continued support. Some of the same faces show up each week to support both business and this personal touch is what makes them consider Leybourne Chase a second home. Thank you.

Football pitches 

The Football continues to be a contentious subject amongst some residents due to the parking overspill onto Bannister way. We have made the decision to reduce the bookings to re focus on children's and junior games so the mens teams will not be returning in September 2022. We will continue to monitor the situation and work with the clubs to ensure that parking is considerate.

We have also appointed a new maintenance contractor of the pitches to reduce the cost of the works.

Community events

A weekly playgroup and baby group is held at the Community centre every Friday during term time. We also aim to offer activity days throughout the school holidays such as the forest school, Wildlife day, Pirate party and Halloween ghost hunt and hope to offer more in the coming year as COVID restrictions ease.

Next steps

We look forward to 2022 as a year of new beginnings. If you have any questions on any of the above or want to understand more about what LGM CIC do please get in touch at We look forward to seeing you at the AGM or the next Community event at Easter.

Yours Faithfully 

The Board of LGM CIC 

May 2020 Letter

An Introduction to Leybourne Grange Management Community Interest Company (LGMCIC) 

Dear Resident, 

So who or what is LGM CIC? 

You may have heard about Leybourne Grange Management CIC when you bought your property or you might have seen references to LGM CIC or the CDT in the time that you have lived here . Now that the development is progressing to the point where LGM CIC will become more relevant to every resident we wanted to take the opportunity to reach out and introduce ourselves, the organisation and explain what it’s all about. 

Firstly LGM CIC was incorporated by Taylor Wimpey as part of the development agreement with Homes England the Land Owner in order for an organisation to be in place who could own and manage the land once the developer has completed all works on site. 

In some of the initial development plans LGM CIC was referred to as the Community Development Trust or CDT. LGM CIC is the community interest company associated with Leybourne Chase and is registered with Companies House. It will become active on transfer of the land into its ownership and therefore we have started to promote the use of this name instead of previous iterations. 

In terms of managing the land, LGM CIC has inherited Trinity estates, the management company currently running the development. We have been working with the estates management company, the developer and their Landscape architect over the last year to clarify the scope of works required across this large site and set expectations for how this work is carried out going forward. In the past this scope was not clearly defined and was left open for interpretation, now Trinity understand exactly what work is required, where and what time of the year. 

LGM CIC is very aware that the relationship with Trinity has been difficult for many residents. A new team now deals with Leybourne chase meaning there is not only a new Property manager but also a new Regional manager. Senior leadership within Trinity are also taking a much more hands on approach to the site and have given us every indication that they want to improve on the past and continue to be appointed on Leybourne Chase. 

Trinity appoint the maintenance team, landscaping and cleaning contractors as well as organising all the relevant health and safety assessments to take place across both the site and the LGM CIC buildings. This is in addition to managing the 27 flat blocks, further blocks being managed by the relevant housing associations. Communal landscape areas of all blocks are maintained through the Trinity appointed landscape contractor for which the housing associations contribute. 

There are 733 dwellings on the development so inevitably there will be additional work in processing the service charge, chasing outstanding amounts and dealing with enquiries which might arise. 

LGM CIC have expressed a desire to appoint local contractors wherever possible for the work required on the site. We hope that this will reduce costs and create a better relationship with the contractors who do work here. 

If you live on Leybourne chase and have a trade please get in touch with Trinity and join their list of potential contractors. 

All LGM CIC contracts have also been re tendered in the last 12 months to ensure the charges for maintaining the community facilities are as competitive as possible.  

There has been confusion in the past from some residents as to the two handover stages which happen on site. The first handover of open spaces/facilities may have happened before you even moved into your property. This is when Taylor Wimpey passed the space to Trinity to begin estates management and maintenance, the second handover or transfer will be when LGM CIC receive legal ownership of the space. This is due to happen in the coming weeks. 

The first handover is part of the reason why you have seen increasing costs each year on the service charge because each year something else is handed over to maintain. The handover peaked in 2019 when the final parcels of land were and facilities given to Trinity.  

In Autumn 2017 the Community centre was open for hire, it took time for hires to increase but a number of regular hires were in place by 2018 and some are still there now. In 2019 the sports pitches and pavilion were also handed over and so more staffing resource was allocated to deal with the hire of the facilities. Hire has dramatically increased since this time and £47,000 hire income was given to Trinity to offset some of the service charge for 2019. The hope is this will be greater in the future and our projections for 2020 look promising. 

The Community centre and pavilion are now available for residents to hire. Discretion will be applied to each booking request, we have to balance the need to hire the facilities with the fact that both buildings are located in residential areas, but if you are interested in hire please get in touch on or via Facebook on the Leybourne Community LGM CIC page. 

This is an important time for the development, Taylor Wimpey are working hard to ensure that LGM CIC is well established as they increasingly step away over the next 18 months. Leybourne chase is increasingly not the responsibility of Taylor Wimpey or Trinity but the people who live here.  

LGM CIC seek the active participation of as many residents as possible. This is your home and community. If you want to know more about any aspect of what we do please get in touch. If you want to get involved there are a number of ways: 


Events Committee 

Arrange events like the easter egg hunt, ghost hunt, summer fun days and Santa’s sleigh. Join and share ideas or volunteer your time to help organise and run the events themselves any input is appreciated. 

Youth club 

Offers an engaging opportunity for children over 10 on a Friday night. Contact Bonnie White to become a volunteer, more are always needed. 

Community garden 

Creating a pretty flower garden, working with local ecologists to attract new wildlife to the area or just making an outdoor space that can be enjoyed on a sunny afternoon. If you would like to find out more join the Facebook group. 

Community Badminton 

Runs on a Thursday night, always looking for new members.Find out more on the Facebook page. 

Classes and Groups 

There really are a lot to choose from. Plenty of opportunities to get fit , chill out with the kids and or meet others. An updated timetable is loaded to our Facebook page every two months and a hard copy will be placed on the notice boards on Hawley Drive (opposite old sales office) and Beadsman Crescent (outside the park roadside). 

Community facilities  

If you have an idea for a group you would like to try out get in touch and we can see whether there are any available slots. A book club, wine and cheese night, Bingo or Quiz night, whatever it is get in touch and we will see what we can do to help you organise, promote and run your group. 

When Taylor Wimpey leave the site completely they will no longer help to run LGM CIC and as we approach that time we will seek the appointment of a handful of volunteer resident Directors. This is an unpaid position where the Directors will form the Board who will be responsible for working with the Community Development Manager in order to continue the effective management of LGM CIC. The Resident Directors will be elected by the Residents as Members of the company. 

Community Development Manager  

Kate O’Shea will be your first point of contact if you have any questions regarding LGM CIC. She will be responsible for the day to day running of the community facilities, dealing with the Management of the facilities along with bookings and hire arrangements . 

Kate will be working with the Board to enact an effective community development strategy, putting together a program of activities throughout each year that will enable residents to; engage with each other, develop skills and interests and enhance the relationship residents can have with the community land. 

Board of Directors  

The Board is currently constituted of three Taylor Wimpey Directors who are sharing their extensive knowledge and experience with the organisation. Being Directors of one of the biggest national building firms in the UK and a FTSE 100 company, they are able to ensure LGM CIC is well equipped for when the resident directors step in and take over running of LGM CIC in 2021. 

We look forward to working with you all on this next stage of the development and continuing to nurture Leybourne chase as a great place to live. 

Yours faithfully 


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